World of Warcraft Auction House Gold Farming Tip

Gold farming in World of Warcraft can be a monotonous repetitive task. It can in fact be so boring that many of us just go out and buy gold with our hard earned real world currency. That’s why I wrote this little anti gold farming article for people out there wasting their time flying in circles for hours on end farming nodes to sell for profits and those that just buy gold. While this does work it is not very fun and gold farming in this way takes a really long time.

So to help you quit the old school boring gold farming tactics I’m going to share one of my favorite ways of farming gold without being bored while doing it. This is through the auction houses in World of Warcraft. The best part about this it doesn’t take a lot of time so you will have more time to do the things you want to do in World of Warcraft. You will be flying circles only when you want to and you will never buy gold again because it will be easy for you to make on your own working the auction house.

Know we will start you on your path to becoming a master at the World of Warcraft auction house. In this article I will explain a couple of the key ingredients to successfully working the auction house for easy wow gold profits. The first thing we are going to need to start buying low and selling high is an add-on.

The add-on we are going to be working with in relation to the auction house is Auctioneer. This add-on is an amazing tool for easy gold farming in World of Warcraft. The add-on has a lot of options that can be overwhelming we don’t really need to mess with any of those so don’t worry about them too much. The main thing we are going to be using is the buy tab that will appear in the auction house once you have installed Auctioneer. You can search for items and see which items will make you easy wow gold. This will let you see extremely easily with no guess work which items to buy off the auction house and then repost at a higher price. It takes gold to make gold so don’t let the idea of buying someone else’s auctions scare you off let them fly circles for you and make your gold off their low prices.

Some good items to start with are gems, chanting mats, and glyphs. This is mainly due to the frequency of these items being purchased off the auction house. We don’t want to waste our time with items that people don’t buy very often. This increases the risk of your marked up auctions not being sold and wasting the posting price. So try and stick to high volume items that people are constantly purchasing off the auction house. This is gold farming at its finest and easiest. Also you don’t have to post yours at the lowest price you can post it a little above and let people buy out those low ones to get to your gold makers.

Another great way to do this that takes a little more time and effort is by not posting them on the auction house. Instead of reposting on the auction house work trade chat with your items you got cheap. Advertise you have them for less than the auction house and you will get whisper’s almost immediately if they are high volume items. This saves you the posting price and the auction house cut and increases your gold farming profits.

So in conclusion don’t waste your time gold farming the old school way this is a lot of hard boring repetitive work for slow gold and don’t buy gold either. This will most certainly make you cheap gold on a consistent basis with minimal effort. I used this tactic along with others to raise the money for my epic flying mount and training. If you liked this article check out my link for other great effortless gold farming tips and tricks. Many people will not be happy I’m sharing this gold farming tactic freely. I know you’ll be so amazed by the results you’ll want to see the other effortless ways you can make gold in Wayne Williams gold guide.

More free tips at my WoW Guide’s site! Also reviews on the top Gold Farming Guides including a free Ebook. More WoW Gold Farming Tips

Thanks for reading,
Allen Anderson

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