• April 17, 2011
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World Of Warcraft Cataclysm Cheater – The Ultimate World Of Warcraft Cataclysm Cheat Guide

World Of Warcraft Cataclysm Cheater – The Ultimate World Of Warcraft Cataclysm Cheat Guide


The Ultimate Guide!

For Guide:





Warcraft Gamer Spends 40 Hours a Week at Work, Has a Steady Relationship and Works Out Daily. . . Makes 8,912 Gold Every Day with Unheard of Secret Gold Strategies
World’s Most Complete Gold Guide Unleashed for Players Preparing for Cataclysm Expansion


No Gold? No Problem. My System Does it All in Less Time …


 * Never Buy Gold – Zero Risk of Ever Getting Banned and No Cash Spent!
*  Earn On Easy Mode – Get More Gold Faster, without all the Hard Work

* Live Your Life – Stop Spending Hours of Your Life Farming for Gold and Enjoy the Months Before Cataclysm Hits in the Real World


From: Neil Pesce
Date: Monday June 14, 2010
Location: Azeroth

Dear Smart Warcraft Gamer,

I’m going to wager a small bet right now. You’re exhausted by having to go around and try to learn the secrets to making real WoW Gold….am I right?

You know exactly what I’m talking about. The so called “insider” secrets that you’ve been looking for on the forums and in other gold guides. The ones that say they have it all.

Don’t worry – this isn’t another one of those. In fact, keep reading and I’ll spill the beans on that exact secret in just a few moments.

And no this isn’t another trick. I’m not some ghost writer from the middle of nowhere who’s never played this game before. I’m the real deal and I have the secret you’ve been hunting.

And I’m going to reveal it in just a few short paragraphs.

But, before any of that, I want to tell you a bit about myself – the guy who finally got the secrets and managed to put it all together.

My name is Neil. I’m just 23 years old and I’ve been playing World of Warcraft since the days it was still just a beta floating around the net in secrecy.

I was there for the launch and both the expansions. I saw exactly how hard it was to get that gold.

Whenever new content would hit, I would sit and beg for gold. I would practically prostrate myself in hopes of getting that not new gear.

Yeah…people didn’t like me much

Don’t worry, it managed to get worse before it got better….

I actually had friends – people I spent time with in real life and who I really respected – tell me to get off their coat tails and start farming some gold on my own.

Can you feel me flinch? I ran back to my burrow from there and started spending hours every day farming gold. I wasn’t going to be the idiot who didn’t know what he was doing anymore.

I would at least know how to farm some freaking gold.

I managed to get some gold – a bit of it anyways. I could cover my repairs and buy the consumables I needed. But, when everyone else got rich at the first expansion launch, where was I? Farming in the old world….like a schmuck.

And I was spending 10+ hours a day playing this game and I was getting nothing out of it.

Huge Waste!

What’s worse, I was not having any fun in the process. Who would, really? Farming gold in WoW is by far one of the least fun thing I can think of to do on the Internet. No one should be stuck doing that when they could be enjoying life.

So, I started experimenting. I tried the Auction House….

And lost hundreds of gold trying to do something only the truly dedicated have time for. I wanted to save time, not spend more of it.

But, I was desperate. I wanted to make more gold and stop spending hours a day on WoW.

But, everything I tried failed…and failed again…and again.


I could buy items. I could farm items. But, flipping them all for a profit was next to impossible.

I lost a LOT of gold – more than you’ve probably ever made…and I spent real cash on some of that gold.

But, then something happened to me.

I started to make a profit. I experimented with some new ideas I’d had and one day I logged on to see that I’d made a tidy profit.

It wasn’t much but it was my first real profit in a long time.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m being rude here. Let me backup a little by giving you this….

Article from articlesbase.com

What would happen if the real world worked like WOW, from the great people at farkTV www.superdeluxe.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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