• April 29, 2011
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Are There Benefits to Playing World of Warcraft?

The amazing online environment called World of Warcraft is no longer viewed merely as a pleasurable pastime nor as an ordinary video game. The Warcraft series of games have always been popular but the World of Warcraft game took the genre and titles online and secured Blizzard as the top manufacturer of MMORPs (massively multi player online role playing games) worldwide. However, World of Warcraft is more than just that even though it is the biggest MMORP in existence with eleven million online players worldwide.

World of Warcraft is unique for all those reasons but this is not why it is so special. The online world of Azeroth has been shown to be such a challenging environment that it helps players develop real world skills and abilities that are automatically employed in their everyday lives!

The truth is that World of Warcraft (WoW) grabs a players attention for all the usual reasons associated with a computer game. However, before long those same players are learning very real and usable skills that can be deployed at work, in social situations and a multitude of life situations.Think of the opposite of all those stories about how the negative effects of television violence and violent video games are “programming” people to be violent in the real world. Well, when it comes to World of Warcraft the opposite is happening and positive, desirable skills and abilities are “programmed in” and then used in the real world!

The early levels of the game are fairly straight forward. As with all similar type of fantasy games you have to perform some simple steps while you play world of warcraft at lower character levels. These low levels keep world of warcraft very similar to other games in the same genre.

When you reach higher levels though things get a lot more interesting and a lot less like other games in similar genres.

The variety of the challenges in the game are wide and taxing to even the most astute mind. At higher levels you really do need to be mentally engaged in the game.

Even the combat in the game calls on mental prowess, the development of keen senses and the necessary study of your opposition so you can properly formulate a plan of attack. The multi-tasking involved and organisational skills need for even the most basic of tasks at the higher levels requires players to hone such skills to such a degree that they naturally seep through into their activities in the everyday world.

Once you join a guild and rise through the ranks to take on supervisory roles you must train and develop managerial skills that are taught at the highest college level without the college level price tag attached.

Some very prominent people, including directors from Yahoo and Xerox, have commented on the effective of World of Warcraft to teach tangible and usable managerial and entrepreneurial skills. In fact one Yahoo executive openly admits that he secured his position with the company due the skills he learned as guild leader of the largest guild in World of Warcraft!

Are you interested in playing world of warcraft and levelling up so fast that your guild members may think your using real-world magic? Then check out wow mage guide now (applies to all classes). You will also be interested in the dirty skill secrets at jewelcrafting guide which show you how to max out any profession in a single day!

Article from articlesbase.com

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