World of Warcraft Mastery Review

Article by Tim Carter

What is this ebook we are hearing called World of Warcraft Mastery about? This is for those people who want to read a mouthful of information. The information in the ebooks are good, but I have researched many world of warcraft guides and this one of my least favorite.

Some of what I call “information” can be anything from learning secrets how to power level, (to quickly gain levels to make you stronger in the game)how to get lots of gold, teaches you the best and most strategic solution when you need to choose a profession or class.

That is the basics but it gets very in-depth. I don’t recommend world of warcraft mastery, but I do like the money back guarantee. Even if you request your money back you can still keep the guide! But… the one thing I can’t stand personally is reading pages after pages of information and a lot of it is just “filler”.

Click Here For A Free Leveling Guide!

There are other guides in many different formats, for example Joanas Horde Leveling Guide which you may know, is mostly video. But, what I personally am in love with is the In-Game Guides. If you are to purchase a leveling guide I would recommend you find one that you can download into your game, it really simplifies things and makes it fun to do and not just “work” to learn more stuff.

Playing World of Warcraft it can get very confusing so to purchase a guide you will be doing yourself a great favor. World of warcraft mastery is an e-book, well several e-books to be specific. It can help guide you through the game but it is a hassle spending ages reading text and/or alt-tabbing out of the game when you get stuck. There are better options! It is not a scam, but world of warcraft mastery ranks low in my book of recommendations.

My Rating- 6 (scale of 1-10)

My name is Tim Carter, I hope you found my world of warcraft mastery review helpful. Although I gave negative feedback you are free to check it out yourself here Please go to my review site and let me show you some more reviews. I’ll even send you a free leveling guide. My Review Site

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