A World of Warcraft Strategy Guide Certainly Doesn’t Include This.

Article by Jane Holloway

It has been said, that every internet forum and online game has its share of weirdos and perverts,and even World of Warcraft isn’t immune. The software company Blizzard is frequently called upon to act as moderator in the online game. After all,it’s only to be expected when there are millions of people indulging their fantasies online, someone is certain to occasionally step over the boundaries of good taste.

However Blizzard has recently had to step in and actually disband what is called an erotic role-playing guild.The Abhorrent Taboo guild has been accused of not verifying the age of its members,whilst engaging in extreme sexual practices, albeit virtual ones. One wonders at the mentality of people living in a make believe world,let alone indulging in sexual fantasies.Such things are almost bound to attract the bored teenager and his friends, they must have found it tremendously entertaining. I imagine they made up the majority of members as opposed to serious sexual perverts aged eighteen and over. After all, if the guild members found urinating and childbirth erotic,as is suggested,they certainly have very odd imaginations, but most school boys get very silly when such things are mentioned,even inserious conversations.

What I wonder, does the Abhorrent Taboo Leveling Guide feature on it’s cover? Are there orcs grinding elves? Or,as one of the aforementioned guild’s erotic fantasy was simulated childbirth(the mind boggles),is there some poor Farmer giving birth. Whatever it is, most people would just ignore it,as they do the emails about penis enlargement. As for the guides content,how many quests does one have to perform,and what are the rewards? Such questions certainly give one’s imagination food for thought, and it is possible that this revelation about erotic role-playing, will bring forth a multitude of copycat guilds, as this type of thing always does.Players may need to look out for far worse fates than being killed by monsters in future.

So can one look forward to seeing numerous guides being advertised for these erotic guilds I wonder ? If so,then the business of the graphic artist is going to be in great demand for a short while,that is until Blizzard steps in to remove their current livelihood.

You have been warned.

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Jane Holloway writes about World of Warcraft,the game,its players and their lives. She also writes hints and tips for players and reviews WoW guides.


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