World of Warcraft Gold Guides – Two Very Different Approaches to Selecting a Guide

Two computer gamers, we’ll call them Erik and Jim, were looking for World of Warcraft gold guides. Jim did some basic Internet research into finding a WoW gold guide and was able to come up with a few different websites that offered gold secrets guides at what seemed to be reasonable prices. He read the sales letters of each guide, including all the bullet points of what was included in the guides and decided on one that seemed to have everything that he was looking for. However, what he didn’t do was perform some research on what criteria other people who had been in a similar position, had found to be the most important criteria when deciding on a WoW gold guide.

So he made his purchase and downloaded the WoW Gold Guide and was immediately disappointed. The guide itself only had about 100 pages, had very few screenshots of the game, and also didn’t include very many maps.

It looked as though it had been put together by someone very quickly or maybe even by someone who had bought another guide and attempted to quickly put together his own version of it.

Erik, on the other hand, did some research on what were the most important criteria for a good gold guide and came up with a checklist that he could use when evaluating the guidebooks. On his checklist were items like the size of the guide (measured in number of pages), what supplemental guides to look for that should be included with the main guide, and also bonuses such as a mob chart that would be helpful when going out on quests to know ahead of time where the most profitable mobs are located.

With his checklist in hand, he visited several World of Warcraft gold guide websites and applied the criteria on his checklist to the sales letter on the guide’s website.

After reviewing about eight different guides he narrowed his choices down to two that seem to include all the criteria that were on his checklist. Both were about the same price, so that was not a factor. To make his final decision, he visited a World of Warcraft forum that he had found helpful in the past and posted a question about which of the two guides he had selected other forum members thought were the best. As it turns out, one of the two came recommended very highly by several long-time forum members so that pretty much made his choice for him. He purchased the guide and immediately started putting to use the information he learned from it.

This story, of course, is fictitious. However, it does illustrate the right and wrong way to go about selecting a WoW gold guide. You can jump into it haphazardly the way Jim did and end up wasting money on a poorly written guide, or you can use Erik’s approach which was very methodical, step-by-step, and also included the important aspect of getting other people’s opinions. In the end, Erik no doubt got more for his money and was most likely happier with his purchase.

Selecting a World of Warcraft Gold Guide is like making any other purchase. The better informed you are going into your evaluation of your various options, the more likely it is that you will be happy with your purchase. In the case of a WoW gold guide, it is a simple matter of knowing what the important criteria are when selecting the best World of Warcraft gold guide for you. By applying these simple steps, you stand a much better chance of finding the best gold guide for you.

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