How to Make Gold Fast with Daily Quests in World of Warcraft

Article by Rob Agau

World of Warcraft is a MMORPG or massively multiplayer online role-playing game, and there are more and more people joining the ranks of World of Warcraft every day. Nobody can get enough of this online game and there are plenty of reasons why. In World of Warcraft, you can escape the realities of everyday life. Just relax, do a few dailies to make a little gold, join a guild and just have fun with friends – not a bad way to spend an evening. And as you do this, you’ll naturally make gold over time.However, there may come a time when you want to get a little bit more out of the time you spend in the game and you will start looking to make a steady income for your character so take a look at World of Warcraft daily quests. When you were levelling you probably didn’t give much thought to doing daily quests and in most cases the lower levels went by so fast that you never considered doing the dailies more than once. However, daily quests will take on a new importance especially once you get to level 85. There are items that cost 20,000 gold, and surely you will want to buy those items. This means that in order to get the most out of your World of Warcraft experience, you’ll have to make gold as quickly as possible.But how do you do this? Well daily quests show up on your map as blue exclamation points or question marks. Just as with the regular gold quests, an exclamation point indicates it’s a quest you can pick up, and a question mark indicates a quest you can turn in. You probably already know that daily quests award you with gold for completing them. And initially, in World of Warcraft, items do not cost that much gold to purchase. But eventually, the items become very expensive, especially the best of the best items you’ll want to get when you hit a level cap. So, you need a game plan to be able to afford all the items you want, if you want them before the end of time.When you want to build up a stockpile of gold quickly in World of Warcraft, you have to supplement your regular activities with activities designed specifically to make you a lot of gold. That is one of the reasons that daily quests are so important. Most World of Warcraft players don’t know that dailies can provide a stable source of gold. Doing dailies is a great way to make a lot of gold quickly. All daily quests pay out gold when you complete them. However there are several things to keep in mind when trying to make gold quickly in World of Warcraft by doing dailies. The key is to pay attention to the amount of gold each daily rewards you with when you complete them. As well you should also take time into consideration when trying to make gold fast in World of Warcraft by using daily quests. If you can make 200 gold, but it takes you 5 hours to do it, that’s not very much gold per hour. There are good ways to make a lot of gold per hour, such as optimized speed gold daily runs.There are guides available that will lead you step by step through completing speed daily runs, among other cool things. The Daily Quest Guide is one of the best guides available. Save up your gold from completing speed gold daily runs every day and you’ll be well on your way to making gold fast in World of Warcraft and buying those expensive items you want.

More tips and guides for World of Warcraft can be found at We provide a step-by-step ingame leveling addon that will save you from the frustration of leveling up alone.Our guides are the only guides to use special technology that will actually find the fastest quests in the game and plan out a route that will you from 1 to 85 in just 4 days or less!

Personal Channel: After doing the intial dailies in Mount Hyjal (the Firelands ones) the daily quests become avliable. Starts of with a few and then they gradualy grow into being quite a load of dailies. One of those is The Protectors of Hyjal, You need this quest to have a chance of spawning the NPCs you need. The macro you need is as follows: /tar linken /tar chromie /tar thassarian /tar nat pagle /tar mankrik /tar hemet nesingwary /stopmacro [noexists] /wave =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Use the Shout box, Luke! ➜ Click “Like” and “Favourite” if you like this video. Helps us make more! Tell us what you think in the comments below. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What is WAY➚? http How do I get more views on YouTube? ▲ TGN grew from 0-10 million in 5 months and shares how in this handbook! TGN servers live on the OneWire Cloud TGN Website ➜ Facebook ➜ http Google+ ➜ Twitter ➜ YouTube ➜ WAY➚ (We Are YouTube) ➜

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