Don’t Buy An In-Efficient World of Warcraft Leveling Guide, Why Joanas Horde Guide Is Obsolete

Although it may sound wacky its dead on true, Joanas Horde Guide is Obsolete. It might be the most popular horde leveling guide but that doesn’t mean it’s the most effective. I have been playing world of warcraft since the beginning and have probably tried every world of warcraft leveling guide out there. In fact, yeah I even own a copy of Joanas Horde Guide. But here’s the reality about this horde leveling guide and it also holds true to most of the other guides as well. These world of warcraft guides worked great back a couple years ago, but today they are simply in-efficient, their leveling methods are slow and quite frankly have become obsolete.

Now forget about how the Joanas Horde guide is written from the assumption you wish to play as an Orc Hunter, which by itself is enough to show that this world of warcraft leveling guide is old and outdated, because if you wanted to play and follow the guide as any other race and class, you would waste valuable leveling game time in order to do so. Instead I want to look at how playing the game with the use of this guide no matter your race or class is still old and slow.

To do so we need to take a closer look at how the typical world of warcraft gamer plays. This gaming style is probably true of over 95% of the gamers using a guide such as Joanas Horde guide. Here is how typical game play flows. I know this to be true because this is also how I played this game for years until I discovered a better solution. Ok here goes.

You’re power gaming through a particular zone. Your goal is to level or power your way through in the fastest way possible right? It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to complete a series of chain quests quicker or simply grind like a mad man the following formula hold true. All hardcore gamers know that you need to maximize your experience points per hour while minimizing your actual in-game down time. I bet you have heard that before right, nothing new really we all know this but here’s what typically happens. Somewhere along the way you get stuck, so you find some tree or rock to hide behind so you do not get ganked and you Alt+Tab over to Joanas Horde guide to find the solution. This might only take a minute or two to find what you are looking for then you Alt+Tab back into the game and you continue to power level your way through the area. Sound familiar? I bet it does because over 95% of the WoW gamer play with this style. In fact I did for years myself. The problem is it really isn’t very efficient.

If you were to take into account all the actual in-game time you wasted playing with the Alt+Tab technique you would be surprised. You might think that since Alt+Tabbing only takes a few moments to do you are minimizing your down time and thus are making efficient use of your time. Not so. I decided to put this to the test and I quickly discovered that the total amount of in-game time wasted over the course of say several levels was incredible. In fact it was enough wasted time that if I had not used the Alt+Tab technique I probably would be a couple levels higher then I was currently. This discovery was a huge eye opener for me. While in the short term using Alt+Tab may not sound like a lot of time but the wasted in-game time compounds upon itself over several levels. I needed to get this same information that guides like Joanas horde leveling guide and others like it provides without having to leave the game. I needed to re-think my playing style.

The solution an in-game world of warcraft leveling guide one that sits right inside the game just like a map mod. Thanks to advances in the game engine and in mods available for it, this is now a reality. Once I found one I decided again to put it to the test against my former Alt+Tab habit and see how much faster I could speed level through the game. I quickly found that I shaved almost 2 full days off my leveling speed. I couldn’t believe it really since I already have been playing this game for over 2 years and considered myself very fast at speed leveling runs having successfully leveled many characters to level 70 in under a weeks game time. Speed leveling them now in just a couple days was incredible.

So don’t get stuck in playing the old ineffective way, while guides like Joanas Horde Guide are good, they also aren’t what they claim to be either. Plus they tend to encourage in-efficient gaming styles. George Randall is a hardcore world of warcraft player. His discovery of in-effective playing styles and how by simply using an in-game world of warcraft leveling guide can cut days off of speed leveling runs made the whole difference to his game. For information and a detailed review of the only in-game world of warcraft leveling guide that sits inside the game just like a map mod check out

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