World of warcraft – Tips and Trick

Article by Hilbert Dauni

World of Warcraft has existed in more than six years now, and it has undergone a lot of changes. In the first years, you could only level up to lvl 60. You had to wait until lvl 40 before you could get a mount. Can you imagine that? Running all those levels? And the flight paths were much farther apart, back then.

A few wow tips:

Read your Quest Journal.

Now we hate to snipe here, people, but the “L” key on your keyboard opens up your Quest Journal. This handy-dandy little item contains literally all the information you need to solve whatever quest your given. Check it early and check it often because if you’re cluttering up the “General” chat channel asking “Where’s the Wailing Caverns?” 47 times not only will you learn all sort of new Azerothian insults, but when you eventually find the place, it’s not going to win you any friends when you then start looking for a group to explore with. Your Quest Journal has directions so precise they make MapQuest look vague to avoid precisely this situation. Read your Quest Journal! Read your Quest Journal! Read your Quest Journal!

Everyone loves a Human Priest.

This is the perfect class for players looking to group. Humans’ racial talents help a Priest hold his or her own in combat and there isn’t a group alive that isn’t thrilled when a Priest shows up just before heading into an Elite dungeon or an instance. Priests are also pretty rare in the game, there aren’t really all that many players who enjoy taking on the social/support roles, so your skills will always be in demand – and you’ll level pretty fast.

Want to get to level 10 quickly? Visit dead people.

More accurately, visit Undead people. Since Quests aren’t race specific, players can accept any level appropriate quest regardless of their race. That means that Horde players have access to a slight shortcut to level 10 similar to the one enjoyed by Alliance players. In the Horde’s case it means hightailing it to the Orc hub city of Orgrimmar as soon as you can survive the trip and catching a zeppelin ride to Tirisfal Glades. Head south from the zeppelin tower to the Undead town of Brill and start looking for quests. Like Teldrassil for Night Elves, the quests in Brill are a bit easier and can usually be solved without a tremendous amount of traveling, significantly shortening your trip to level 10.

Some useful skills are:- As you know, red mobs attack on sight. Practice moving around them without attracting their attention. This way you’ll learn their “aggro range.” You can use this skill to move close to a group of mobs until just one sees you and attacks. Then you run back, kill it, and repeat.

– A level 16 hunter in the hands of a skilled player can “kite” a level 21 elite boss. (Most characters and most players can’t do this, but with practice it’s possible.) Kiting is the skill of staying out of reach of the monster and still killing it, either with arrows or spells. Learn to kite, especially if you’re a mage.

– Learn what everything on the screen means and learn how to adjust your camera view as needed. If you find someone who doesn’t mind answering questions then go ahead and ask.

– Read the WoW Forums ( and you’ll pick up a lot of useful info. Try not to get distracted by all the gibberish, though.

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Kobot Dauni (c) Copyright 2011

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