World of Warcraft Rogue Leveling Guide – How to Make the Perfect Rogue

Rogue is a very fun class to play. Using a World of Warcraft Rogue leveling guide will hasten the leveling so that you’ll be able to enjoy the high-end content of the game. However, the Rogue is a solitary class, that works perfect with a leveling guide because they focus on questing for XP. As we all know, quests are done mostly solo. By training the right way, you’ll be able to further improve the efficiency of a Rogue leveling guide.

The Rogue is very effective in both PvE and PvP. The specs for both of those differ, however. The most common mistake made by new comers to World of Warcraft is that they try to improve the defense of their Rogue through talents and gear. When leveling, either through the help of a World of Warcraft Rogue leveling guide or without, you’ll mostly do quests. Quests do involve killing mobs but at a smaller scale than grinding. That’s why it is best to harness the offensive capabilities of the Rogue so that the quests that need mobs killed, get done faster. The speed in which targets are removed is crucial when leveling, with that in mind, here is a talent build that will do just that.

World of Warcraft Rogue Leveling Guide – Best PvE Talent Build

As any other character in World of Warcraft, Rogues have three talent lines, Assassination, Combat and Subtlety. The spec I’m about to share is focused on Combat with a little sprinkle of Assassination. Subtlety is more for PvP, so using it when leveling is wrong. The weapon types to use when leveling should be swords. They have the greatest damage potential without having to spin around the target to get positionals off. Daggers aren’t that good to level up with as any leveling guide will tell you simply because they are more dependent on striking from the back and that, at least until you get the Mutilate combat style. So Combat is the way to go, it’s very important where points get spent at first too.

Talent points are received after level 10 only, the first thing to be trained has to be Improved Sinister Strike 2/2. Sinister Strike is the “every-day” style a Rogue uses to gather combo points and deal damage. Combo points are needed for special finishing moves such as Eviscerate. This brings us to the next points to be trained. Get Improved Eviscerate 3/3 from the Assassination line. At this point it is needed to train in both a bit. Next, train Malice 5/5, the bonus to critical chance by this ability plus the other two abilities that already got trained will give your toon a good base to start from. Having those at maximum level will help with the killing thus making your Rogue leveling guide much more time efficient than it already is. Next up, train abilities like this: Dual Wield Specialization 5/5, Improved Slice and Dice 2/2, Precision 5/5, only 1 point in Deflection as defenses aren’t that needed. Evasion has been nerfed so jumping over Endurance. The next ability to train is Aggression followed by Sword Specialization 5/5 and Blade Fury. From there on is pretty much “train at will”. From Assassination, Vigor and Lethality should also be trained.

I gave the same spec to some of my friends who used a World of Warcraft Rogue leveling guide and they were very happy with it. They too trained in the same order as I said above and none of them had anything to complain. If it worked for them, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t work for everyone else.

World of Warcraft Rogue Leveling Guide – Races to make Rogues From


My favorites are Dwarf and Human to make this class from. The Dwarves have the Stoneform ability which removes any bleed, poison and disease effects, very useful in both PvE and PvP. Find Treasure will also make leveling Lockpicking a lot easier. Humans are great in PvP due to their Perception ability which allows them to see enemy Stealther much easier. The Gnome is good as well to have thank to his Escape Artist ability, but I don’t really like how they look.


For both PvE and PvP, the Orc is the best choice. His Blood Fury ability (increases melee damage) is priceless to have and Hardiness really gives an edge over other Rogues and Paladins. Another good race is the Troll. It too has a damage increase ability called Berserker and a Regeneration ability which increase health regen in combat.

No matter which race you chose, it is certain that a World of Warcraft Rogue leveling guide will make things a lot more easier. There’s no need to struggle to achieve levels and advance in the game, a leveling guide will make sure the game stays fun to play. Even if you play little time each day, a leveling guide will use it to get the most XP for your character so that reaching the level cap will be a fairly easy task.

Alliance players click here –> Rogue Alliance Leveling Guide

Horde players click here –> Rogue Horde Leveling Guide

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