How Much Time Does it Take to Play World of Warcraft?

So, the question you may be asking yourself is,

“Do I have enough time to play World of Warcraft?”

Its a valid question… and today even more so since Blizzard released expansion packs lifting the leveling cap from 60, to 70… and now to 80.

But lets forget about expansion packs for now – its easy to start out in World of Warcraft with the core game and expand later.

Back to our question — do you have the time for World of Warcraft?

The answer will be different for everyone, but here are a few short questions to ask yourself. If you answer yes to 2 or more of these questions, chances are you have the time.

1. Do you have an hour free a night during the week? 2. Do you have 2 or more hours free during the weekend? 3. Are you happy to drop watching television you’re not 100% into? 4. Does your girlfriend, boyfriend or partner enjoy gaming? 5. Do you have friends into World of Warcraft already? 6. Do you have friends who have thought about playing WoW?

Did you answer yes to any of these questions? I think if you’re really interested in trying out one of the best “massively multiplayer online games”, and you answered yes to either 1 or 2, you should give it a go.

I say this because despite how many hours a week you have to put into the hobby, chances are with a few pointers from leveling guides on the net (either free or commercial), you can play World of Warcraft, and find you’ll be able to enjoy the higher levels of the game in a surprisingly short time.

If you only have an hour or two free a week to play, but you have friends or family that are interesting in playing with you, why not make it a social event? World of Warcraft has some amazing guild and party functionality that make it a blast to join up with real life friends (or new online friends!), so there’s always new experiences to be had.

Many years ago when I first started playing World of Warcraft, a friend of mine and I started together, and I honestly found it much more fun, and more exciting than going to the movies for a night. And just think of how much cheaper a monthly subscription is compared to two hours at the movies!

But I digress. If you think you would like to give WoW a go, it can be found very cheap at your local games store, and then all I recommend you do is find a good leveling guide.

As usual most commercial guides are a cut above the free guides, but there’s a lot of value to be had in free leveling guides on the net.

Should you decide free guides are a bit too cumbersome (alt tabbing out of the game can be a hassle), check out a map mod enabled guide to really make the most of your valuable time.

I hope to see you there shortly!

Jon Weston is a World of Warcraft enthusiast from way back. His first character was a Gnome warrior, but don’t hold that against him!

If you’d like to find out Jon’s top picks for map mod enabled World of Warcraft leveling guides, you can find his free fast wow leveling website [], here.

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