World of Warcraft Gold Guide For Casual Gamers

I love playing World of Warcraft on my spare time for it releases the stress of the real world and makes me enjoy this virtual life wherein I can live a life of fantasy. However, of course we must not forget that real life still matters more; career is very important to the development of the person (and his wallet). In addition, real life obligations is also a top priority such as family life and friends. Having all these factors summed up, this does not leave much time daily for the demands of our fantasy life in World of Warcraft. The game has itself requires time-consuming demands of acquiring gold in order for you to upgrade your items, and prepare consumables that will buff you for the next raid in Ulduar or Naxxramas. Thus, with this constant demand the question pops up: is World of Warcraft still playable for the casual gamers who have at most 2 hours to spare a day for playing?

I remember myself during the Burning Crusade expansion. I had at most 100g to spare in a day. During some raids I could not even afford to repair my 0 durability gear due to the constant wipes in the Black Temple. Also, I do not have sufficient gold to cover my enchanting and gem needs whenever I obtain a new gear. I do not have sufficient gold for I cannot farm, nor do daily quests for they consume too much time (and they omit this terrible disease called BOREDOM). (Virtual) life sucked. I got scolded by the raid leaders for not playing to my potential because of my missing gems, enchants and sometimes destroyed gear. To play this game does require the gold of currency for it to be played to your character’s full potential, and sadly it is the thing that I lack so much. I logged in to enjoy and forget about real life, but apparently virtual life fights back and puts a strain on my stress levels as well.

Just recently this year my real life friend who plays with me in the same server mentioned a website that helps the casual gamers obtain massive amounts of gold in their spare time. Not much time is needed to obtain gold, it says. For my maximum amount of 2 hours of playtime, I would be able to obtain an amount of gold that will make me sufficient for days to come. That’s great, I thought. I just got my Wrath of the Lich King and finally leveled my character to 80 after some months (Yea, I’m really slow…).

Now that I’m 80 and joined a raiding guild, I wondered if my Burning Crusade life of not being able to maximize my playing potential due to the fear that my history of poverty in gold would just repeat. I decided to give the website a try because at first I was skeptical about it. I tried it anyway for it gives free guides for the casual gamers how to obtain gold. There’s no harm in trying right? Just after a month, I was able to obtain at least 30,000 gold by just following the guides and playing my usual of maximum 2 hours a day. Thus, whenever I raid twice to thrice a week, it became possible for me to obtain the best enchants, the best gems, the best consumables like flasks or elixirs, without worrying about my gold stash.

Do not mistake me, the guides aren’t really magical that will get you thousands of gold in a snap. The website’s guides does require effort although minimal. It teaches you the best and fastest way to obtain gold such as how to play int eh Auction House. I shall give you a preview of some tips the website posted: It is possible to sell cut gems for as much as 200% the going price. You just have to post your gem at the right time and price it whatever amount you want (of course it has to be reasonable).

I was able to use it tip by buying cheap uncut gems and letting a friend cut it for me. I sold it at around 200% markup at the right time and successfully sold the auction. This is not a paid advertisement or anything, but in my joy in finally raiding without worrying about my gold, I am in great debt to this website. Thus, I would like to thank it in spreading this website to the casual gamers like you. This website’s mission-vision is simple: to teach the casual gamers to obtain amounts of gold sufficient enough to sustain them in their raiding and/or PvP, in the least time possible.

With the constant demand of work recently, I had even less than 2 hours of time to play World of Warcraft. However, and thankfully, that didn’t churn up any problems for my gold stash, for in the past month I gained 30,000 gold which is enough to sustain me for the weeks to come. During the weekends I am happily raiding in Ulduar, without worrying about repair bills, gems, enchants and consumables. I am happy to share with you this website especially for casual World of Warcraft gamers like me. It is a blog-like website that updates often. So come back often and find a new guide posted for you to use.

Let us finally farm Ulduar, and most importantly ENJOY the great game of World of Warcraft, which gives us such a stress relief from the demands of the real world.

Visit [] for completely free daily guides in obtaining your World of Warcraft wealth for casual gamers like you and me. Wowstability – World of Warcraft Blog Free Gold Guides, Auction House Tips and Tricks.

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