World of Warcraft Millionaire’s Blueprint For Success

Not too long ago now, a World of Warcraft player by the name of Brad Johnson sent shockwaves through the WoW community by declaring that he had made over one million gold by playing the game. What’s more he stated that he had done it all above board, earning the gold himself, and not by using cheats or buying gold.

The first reaction that a lot of players had was the belief that he was telling tall tales. Several players even demanded proof, which Johnson promptly delivered. Skepticism turned to awe as he revealed that he had approximately 214,748 gold and change on several of his characters. (This was the maximum amount that World of Warcraft’s game mechanics allowed on each character.)

No matter how you paint it, this is an extraordinary feat that would require an in-depth knowledge of World of Warcraft’s most intimate secrets.

Johnson has taken this knowledge and has create a guide for players to make gold that uses the same tips and tricks that he used to make his millions. This guide is called Warcraft Millionaire.

Now let’s get to the nitty gritty.

I decided to review this guide to see if it was all that it appeared to be. I purchased it at the sum of forty seven dollars. This is pretty much the standard price of most gaming eBooks, nothing of a surprise there.

What did surprise me was how much information the guide, or should I say guides, contained. Johnson has delivered seven eBooks in a PDF format containing a total of 207 pages of lists, locations, tips, and traps. It’s also very well written in a easy to read and conversational manner.

Finally, one of the best things about Warcraft Millionaire is that it is usable by almost any level player. Sure, you need to get above level 10, but once there you can start making as much as fifteen to twenty gold an hour. You don’t see that in many gold guides.

Rip Norta is an avid World of Warcraft player and gamer. He has been playing WoW since launch, and other online games since 2000. For a more comprehensive review of the Warcraft Millionaire Guide, visit Top eBook Reviews.

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