The Addictive World of World of Warcraft

Article by Joe O’Reilly

The Addictive World of World of Warcraft – Computers – Computer Games

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After playing World of Warcraft just once you understand the pull it has over gamers and get a feel for the thrilling excitement that it can offer you. With its bright textual colours, fantastic game play, enthralling quests and varied creatures and environments it is easy to see why World of Warcraft has such a devoted following and why it is the most successful Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game to ever hit the internet!

For many players WoW is so enthralling that hours can pass without them noticing. Tackling the formidable creatures in Azeroth and the challenging quests can leave you a little frustrated at times but always makes you want to continue regardless of the length of time you have been playing. With such enticing and attention grabbing game play, that creates tension and desire to go further up the ranks in players, it is not a wonder the game is addictive to some people.

We have all little addictions and all get caught up in different activities where we feel we could keep going. Luckily for most of us though these do not become problem addictions that take over our lives.

The average player, who engages with other players in the online fantasy realm of world of warcraft, does not spend much more time there than they would on any other game. However, of the 11 million active players many do spend a lot of time playing. It may seem strange but addiction to World of Warcraft is mainly an adult problem because children are protected from spending too much time online in Azeroth by parental controls.

If your child is an avid gamer who enjoys MMORPG and wants to play World of Warcraft then you can limit the time he or she spends online within the game through an internal timer.

With an average time of 24 hours per week being played online by WoW gamers it is advisable to use this neat parental control feature if your child plans to play the game. Some gamers will spend that amount of time playing in just one session!

Addiction to any type of activity is never a good thing, no matter how great the activity is or how enjoyable it is. Some people have lost their jobs, lost their relationships and been unable to support themselves properly. Many of these people have to eventually seek addiction counselling to help them eliminate their Warcraft addiction.

You can get all the dirty levelling secrets for WoW professions (and level up to 450 in just 1 day) at jewelcrafting guide – applies to all world of warcraft professions.

Although such extreme cases are very few in number there have been reports of a few connected to World of Warcraft. You must also consider that people who became so lost in a game that their lives suffer because of it most likely suffer from an addictive personality and would therefore end up in a similar position with a different addiction.

The truth is World of Warcraft is just a game – albeit a great game. However, unlike other Pc games this game has been shown to help people to learn real world, usable skills like team building, team work, leadership and many others.

Just be sure to enjoy your time laying WoW and you never know what skills you may pick up.

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Joe O’Reilly

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