How to Make World of Warcraft Money and Annoy Your Wife

I know it’s just a game – but to those who delve daily into the murky lands of Azeroth – it’s much more. World of Warcraft money is of course not as important as the real stuff but there are many times where I’d happily swap some from the real world to fantasy.

There was no way I was going to risk the mighty Calaquendi getting mixed up with any seedy gold buying characters though – banned by Blizzard doesn’t even bear thinking about. Yet I was fed up – more than half my playing time was taken up with farming for gold in some fashion – the endless repetition I could have stood slightly if I still didn’t end up with virtually no World of Warcraft money at the end of it. So I decided to take a step back analysing the economics of my situation although I wouldn’t buy gold maybe I could buy the method to gain WoW gold.

So that’s where the idea started and the rather fractious exchange when my beloved happen to notice that I’d spent rather a lot of money on World of Warcraft Gold making Guides. My hastily contrived logic – that it would enable me to spend less time playing and more time with her didn’t seem to work. She didn’t seem to grasp the importance of owning an epic mount.

Eventually she sort of calmed down

“but why did you have to buy 9 of them!”

A fair point I suppose – the huge expense was mainly because I kept buying these stupid guides which promised everything and most had obviously been copied and pasted from forums and web pages everywhere. Most contained nothing that this Azeroth pauper didn’t already know – my only new piece of knowledge – there are simply lots of useless World of Warcraft money guides out there!

The plan was still good – the execution perhaps less so. I would have happily parted with my real life cash if these guides had delivered even a small amount of what they promised. Alas the majority don’t , if there’s a silver lining it’s the fact that there are some excellent guides out there that actually work. Gold is no longer a problem for me in World of Warcraft – I know the methods to make money and they work quickly and easily. I think my wife even want’s me to start selling my gold to get my some ‘new curtain money’ as she described it!

Don’t waste your money like me – these two World of Warcraft Money Making guides work. You don’t need to risk your account or your cash check them out here.

World of Warcraft money

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