Learn to Make Real Money With World of Warcraft Affiliate Marketing Basics

What is Affiliate Marketing and Why do I Care?

You came to this site so that you could learn to make real money, using your knowledge and experience playing World of Warcraft (WoW). But how is it we will take experience playing a video game and turn it into cash money? We do it by using something we call “Affiliate Marketing”. It is called that because you are affiliating yourself with another person or company in order to make money. In the World of Warcraft niche, we affiliate with Gold and Leveling guide authors specifically.

You may have seen the various WoW guides plastered all over the Internet. The banners and text advertisements are on just about every WoW related site you can find. Zygor’s Leveling Guide, Joana’s Leveling Guide, and Warcraft Millionaire are just a few. These guides sell for upwards of $ 50 each currently. The reason you see these guides all over the Internet is simple; the authors of these guides will pay you 50% of their earnings for every guide you help them sell. So let’s break this down into something that can make your mouth water :

Zygor’s Leveling Guide sells for $ 50 (That’s $ 50 each Alliance or Horde)

For every person you send to his website that BUYS a guide (you get nothing if they don’t buy), you get 50% so $ 25 (roughly after fees, the actual amount is more like $ 22.62 but I am not good with math and $ 25 is much easier to work with).

On average, I sell 3-5 of this specific guide every day. Let’s do the math.

3 guides x $ 25 = $ 75 per day.

$ 75 x 7 days in a week = $ 525 / Week.

$ 525 x 4 Weeks in a Month = $ 2100 / Month!!

As you can see, by sending traffic to Zygor’s website, using a special link, you can earn $ 2100 a month and that is only looking at 1 guide. There are approximately 15-20 WoW guides currently on the market! What I have just described, sending traffic to someone’s website in exchange for a percentage if they buy the product, is what we call affiliate marketing. You are marketing for Zygor and by affiliating with him, you get paid. It is as simple as that. So why would he want to give away 50% of his profits? Because that way he doesn’t ever have to worry about advertising his product and he can spend all of his time making sure it is the best on the market. Makes sense right?

So now you are getting anxious to get started and you are wondering how exactly you can get traffic over to his site and start making money. LISTEN CAREFULLY! Do NOT jump into paying a bunch of money on various traffic methods all over the Internet before you go through these training modules. I am going to explain as best I can, all of the different methods I like to use, and I am going to recommend which ones to use, and which ones to stay away from. I will also show you how to go about doing it completely free, it just takes longer that way but it is doable. I will also show you some methods you can use that cost a little money, but greatly speed up the process.

What I want you to take away from this first module is this. Affiliate Marketing is making money by sending traffic to someone else’s site, in order to help them make sales, in exchange for a percentage of the profit. It is a feasible business model and there are marketers currently making millions on the Internet using this very method. Are we going to turn you into an Internet millionaire by using what I teach? Nope. I am not even close to that point. That being said, I do make a nice chunk of change and it pays my car bill, my rent, and most of my expenses. I still have a regular job too so if you are thinking you won’t have the time to dedicate to this new mission, consider this. I am a SSgt in the USAF and I work 12 hour days regularly. I also take 2 classes per semester of College and I still have enough time to use these methods to make thousands a month selling WoW Guides.

It’s possible. It’s easy. It’s staring you right in the face.

You may only make 2 sales in your first month, but guess what, that is $ 50 you did not have before you started, and thats 2 sales closer to quitting your job and working for yourself. Thanks for reading and see you next module!

For more World of Warcraft Affiliate Marketing training modules, information, and the original source of this article, visit Warcraft Affiliate Marketing Training [https://www.warcraftaffiliates.com].

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