A Guide for World of Warcraft Cataclysm Dailies

Article by Wilbur Gallegos

If you’re not currently doing the daily quests available in World of Warcraft, then you’re missing out on some serious gold, gear, enhancements and achievements. Most people just stop doing quests the second they hit level 85. However, hitting 85 is when you’re actually supposed to do quests because it will earn you gold and achievements. You’ll always need gold In Cataclysm to run the new raid instances, buying gear, buying enchants, etc. Dailies will help you earn the gold you need for all of this. This is perfect for people who don’t have time or knowledge of how you’re supposed to play the auction house. You’ll make an average of more than 300 gold every day, just from dailies, you’ll earn even more when you sell them items that drop. You can do 25 daily quests each day which gives you an average of 20 gold per quest.Reputation and why it’s importantOne of the things in the game that’s often ignored is the reputation aspect of the game. Most people think it’s just not worth the time, but this is just wrong. There are several of awesome rewards for when you hit revered/exalted, loads of gear, mounts, recipes, enchants, etc.This isn’t that important if you’re leveling, but once you hit level 85 you will want to get out of your greens as soon as possible. It’s also needed to get the best recipes/formulas for some professions, enchanting is one of them, as well as Alchemy. Check out more at my home site Wow account salg One of the reputation factions you should focus on with your dailies is the ones in Sons of Hodir. These are located in the storm peaks region, you’ll probably even complete some of these quests while leveling your character. This faction offers loads of different Enchantments, similar to leg armor. Also some special designs for Jewel Crafters which can sell the gems they make for quite a lot. The vendor s located at the Quartermaster in the Storm Peaks.Plan your RouteBecause you’re going to do 25 daily quests each day, you should get a proper strategy for completing them as fast as possible, because I doubt you’ll want to spend your whole game time doing dailies.But you can actually get them done in about an hour or sometimes even less when you’re used to it.Don’t waste your time going from zone to zone for just 1 quest, try to find one place that you enjoy and to all the daily quests in that area.

Hello my name is Wilbur and is the owner of Warcraft site named https://wowaccountsalg.inettet.com/ check it out

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