Alliance And Horde Guides For World Of Warcraft

Article by Trueloa Lokha

Alliance And Horde Guides For World Of Warcraft –

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World of Warcraft is an online phenomenon. It’s game in the genre of massively multiplayer online (MMO) and involves millions of individuals playing at the same time. The game contains several character archetypes, an indepth story and an extensive number of locations to visit. The bonus of being able to play with dozens of your friends at once only adds to the pleasure. However, some people wish to make the gameplay a little easier, as the trip from your basic level 1 to your advanced level 80 can be a very long one indeed. To aid people in these matters, Alliance and Horde guides help them proceed about leveling the quickest and most efficient manner possible. Here are a few guides and what they offer.

Zygor Alliance And Horde Guide

Zygor guides offer both Horde and Alliance guides with an expanded repertoire as far as features are concerned. With the ability to use the guide ingame and receive help in the form of waypoints and detailed quest information, it’s one of the best guides available. It handily beats most of the competition and is perfectly legal to use ingame, which means no one’s account gets banned. Furthermore, when purchasing both guides, you can get a handy discount on the 2nd one.

Joana’s Horde Leveling Guide

More expensive than the Zygor guides and only offered in Horde faction form, this is hard to recommend over the previous one. It has no quest tracking, class quests or community forums, but this is somewhat balanced out by the 24 hour technical help, ingame addon and detailed quest information.

Team iDemise’s Guides

Offered in both Alliance and Horde flavors, this comes at the same price as Joana’s guide, but lacks the 24 hour technical support. Balanced out to some extent by the community forums, it also shares the other main features.

Brian Kopp’s Guide

The lowest, yet still better than the free guides, this provides the ingame mod, detailed quest information and community forums. However, it lacks everything else and only provides the Alliance guide. This is the cheapest of the four guides, but only due to the limited time only offer.

About the Author

I trust that this article has been informative for you to resolve your problem, if you want to find more information that will help you, then click here!: WOW Guides and team idemise leveling guide

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Trueloa Lokha

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