Discover The Best World Of Warcraft Leveling Guide For 85
Everybody who has leveled at least one toon in World of Warcraft knows how frustrating and annoying it is to continue leveling more because all of the excitement gone. At this point, most people are looking for something to make leveling a lot easier if possible.
There is a guide that is the best world of warcraft guide for leveling from 1 to 85 leveling a ton easier for World of Warcraft players. It is called Zygor. What it does it gives you the shortest paths to follow, the best quests to go after, ways to double your questing efforts in the shortest amount of time possible and best of all they offer some kick butt software to make leveling a true breeze.
Lets face it the whole point in getting the best world of warcraft guide to level with is to make things faster, easier, and simply put get your toon to 85 ASAP so you can begin enjoying all the heroics, arenas, battlegrounds, instances, and dailies that level 85 has to offer.
Whatever you do, and I can’t enforce this enough is DO NOT go out and purchase an account with 85s already on it. If you do this blizzard will crack down so hard on you if they get wiff of this at all and check where you are logging on to your accounts from (IP address) and freeze any of them you have used to access them on from that same IP address point.
Same goes for purchasing a power leveling bot or person to come on and do the leveling for you. If you read your end user agreement you will see what I mean how hard blizz frowns upon this and how fast they will take down your accounts!
There is no way around leveling, it apart of the game but at least there are safe alternatives so you can not get band and using the Zygor guide and leveling method is one of them.

Nolan Lewer has been playing World of Warcraft since it came out in Nov of 2004. He has 5 toons which will be leveled to 85 now that Cata is out.
His goal is to always help others to have success in World of Warcraft. For a free video on 10 must know leveling tips go to

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