Fastest World of Warcraft Leveling Guide

Article by Laura Fox

Fastest World of Warcraft Leveling Guide – Entertainment – Video Games

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The coming of the new World of Warcraft Cataclysm expansion has been much talked about in the gaming community for quite some time. It is now fast approaching its release date, and every WoW gamer should be concentrating on preparing themselves for the new content that the expansion will provide. For some people, preparations merely include saving up some gold so that they are able to afford the newest gear and abilities, but for others who may be new to the World of Warcraft, it may mean much more.

With the buzz of the newest expansion to be released by Blizzard Entertainment, old and new players alike have been flocking to the forums to check out what is in store. New players shouldn’t be discouraged from entering the massively multiplayer online world just because Cataclysm will be the third expansion in the game’s history. Leveling can be fast and easy, and anybody can be prepared for the coming of the new content.

Starting from scratch, and trying to hit 80 as soon as possible may seem like a huge feat, but it doesn’t have to be. There are several strategies for getting a new character to the maximum level. There are also many strategy guides available to help out new players in their quest to reach the maximum level. The fastest, and most effective strategy, is to level by questing. While questing tends to be more of a solo leveling strategy, it offers the most experience by way of completing the quest objectives, as well as the inevitable experience which is obtained by killing creatures along the way.

Leveling solo may not be for everybody, and thanks to the massive online world, it doesn’t have to be. You may prefer to start the game fresh with a friend or two. While questing can be done in groups, there are also more group friendly methods to level fast, such as running through dungeons. When you run through a dungeon in a group, you are able to get amazing experience from the mob kills, and not to mention the awesome gear you get from boss kills as you grind through the dungeons.

For those gamers who already have their desired toons at level 80 and have maxed their professions as they await the release of the expansion, there is still a perk to following the available leveling guides. As soon as the expansion hits, there is the adrenaline rush as you try to be one of the first toons on your server to hit level 85. Leveling guides will make this more of a reality, and keep you in the running for some of the hard to come by achievements which so many players seek.

Be one of the first WoW players to enter into end game content! Click Here! for an example of a comprehensive leveling guide!

About the Author

Laura is a modern day gamer chick who enjoys kicking back and gaming it up with her friends. She has many years of gaming experience, ranging from console gaming to massively multiplayer online gaming. She, like many WoW players is anxiously awaiting the release of the newest expansion, and is taking the time to prepare her level 80 toons for the forays into the new content.

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Laura Fox

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