How to Feed an 800 Gold Per Day World of Warcraft Habit

Those who are serious about earning gold in World of Warcraft do not have to resort to using real world money to buy it. Earning gold is much easier than you might think.

If you really want to earn gold it is really very simple. Develop a plan and work your plan. I have been playing World of Warcraft for more than 5 years now. I started in the very early stages of beta and still play each and every day. In all of that time I have never even considered buying gold. It is just too easy to make.

Each day I spend roughly four hours playing and in that time it is very common for me to earn in excess of 800 gold. Each afternoon I visit the mailbox in Ironforge and find hundreds of gold waiting for me. How do I do this? It is really very simple.

I run daily quests. With the release of the 2.4 patch we were given the ability to complete 25 daily quests. I awaited that patch by rubbing my hands together and thinking of the gold I would make. Believe me I was not disappointed.

My day consists of completing twenty five daily quests. I maxed out my reputation with every faction long ago so it is not a factor in determining which quests I take. I begin by doing most of the quests on the Isle of Quel’Danas then moving to Shattrath City and picking up all the daily quests there. Regardless of zone or reputation, I pick and choose my daily quests based on one thing…gold.

Another thing that you really need in order to rake in gold is the proper professions. Crafting is for sissies, gathering is for the wealthy. All of my characters are gatherers. Most players are simply too lazy to go out and gather things for themselves, so I do it for them, and I charge them for it in the auction house.

Honestly it is nothing for me to make 800 gold per day, and the best part about it is that I do it in a 100% legitimate manner. No cheats, no hacks, no exploits wanted or used. Make use of your professions and take advantage of the World of Warcraft daily quests and you will find yourself rolling in gold. It is really that simple and that easy.

Lee Ruleman is a 10 year veteran of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) beginning with Ultima Online and continuing on through the present. It is Lee’s goal is to assist other players in attaining maximum level, the best equipment, large cash reserves, and advanced gaming knowledge, all in a 100% legal manner.

Lee publishes a Free Blog and Newsletter providing the best articles and information for World of Warcraft. You can view his Blog and join his Newsletter by visiting []

For a limited time Lee is offering his brand new product “14 Super Gold Earning Secrets” for Free!

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