How To Speed Level In World Of Warcraft Faster Then A Gnome Looking For A Toilet

WoW speed leveling is the desire of every hardcore world of warcraft gamer. I bet every time you created a character I’m sure you were driven inside yourself to break your personal speed leveling record. Well as a hardcore gamer believe me I’m no different. Every time I start a new speed leveling run I’m determined in my mind to beat my best leveling time to date. The funny thing about setting this kind of goal in world of warcraft is that it is easier said then done. This is especially true if you play on a PvP server where ganking and getting ganked is the name of the game and so no two power runs are ever the same.

At the heart of WoW speed leveling is the fashion in which you play the game. Some like to use aids like world of warcraft leveling guides and others use the popular online WoW database. The question is are these methods reliable and can they still be considered as effective WoW speed leveling guides? The answer may surprise you.

Let’s consider how a typical gamer plays world of warcraft. In fact I’m sure you agree that this following description seems to apply to most if not 95% of the gamers out there. You are questing through a particular zone. Your goal could be several different things. Perhaps you are trying to complete a series of chain quests in record time, or perhaps you’re looking that certain NPC or just plain grinding it out like a mad man. Either way it doesn’t matter. Somewhere down the line you find yourself stuck. You forget where this or that is found and now you need a solution. What to do? Well. you probably did the following, you find some tree or rock to hide behind so you don’t get ganked and Alt+Tab over to your trusty WoW speed leveling guide of head on over to the popular online wow database. You quickly grab the information you need and then you Alt+Tab back into the game and continue powering on like a banshee with diarrhea. Sound familiar? I bet it does because the tactic of Alt+tabbing has become so widespread it’s become a bad habit.

The problem is this is not how to speed level in World of Warcraft. Why? Because, it is not efficient. If you were to keep a running total of exactly how much time you wasted Alt tabbing in and out of the game, and add this up over the course of several levels the amount of in game time you wasted would surprise you. In fact you would probably find that this was enough wasted time to amount to a couple levels.

The trick to WoW speed leveling is efficiency. You need to maximize your game time and minimize your down time. We have all heard that right. You’ve probably even seen that said on about dozen different world of warcraft forums, right? However this formula does hold water. The problem is we trick ourselves into thinking that just because the tactic of Alt+tabbing only take but a few moments we are still making effective use of our gaming time when in fact we are not. The sheer tactic of Alt+tabbing wastes time. To be a true wow speed leveling master you need to drop this ugly habit like an gnomish engineer on a hot summers day.

World of warcraft leveling guides like Joanas Horde guide or Brian Kopps Alliance guide are now obsolete. Not only do they assume you’re going to play as a certain race and character class, which by istelf is in-efficient but that’s a topic for another day. They encourage bad playing style. Alt+tabbing may have been effective back in the day but that doesn’t mean it still is. So how do you drop this bad habit? The solution is simple have access to all the information, every quest, every shortcut conceived of within Azeroth and have it at your fingertips right within the game. Thanks to changes and developments from mod develops it is possible to exactly this without having to rely on the time wasting Alt+tab effect.

iDemise developed the first and only in-game Wow speed leveling system. It sits right inside your game just like a map mod and is 100% legal. Being able to eliminate the time costly At+tab yet having all the information at your fingertips is a huge advantage. I tested this out as an experimentation on my last wow speed leveling run and found that I hit level 70 almost a full 2 days in-game time sooner.

So don’t get stuck in playing the old ineffective way. If you drop the Alt+tab habit I’m sure you’ll find your speed leveling times improving. George Randall is a hardcore world of warcraft player. By learning to stop Alt+tabbing and using an in-game world of warcraft leveling guide he cut days off of speed leveling runs. For information and a detailed review of the only in-game world of warcraft leveling guide that sits inside the game just like a map mod check out

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