How World of Warcraft Has Developed

Article by Malcolm And Yvonne

How World of Warcraft Has Developed – Computers – Computer Games

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Back when I was a computer operator, I used to play games like Doom and Quake. Even played them over a small network with a couple of other guys. Playing singularly was great, but, playing on a network was a completely different ball game. Instead of predictable monsters, you had human strategy to contend with. Adds a new dimension to gameplay and makes you think differently.Well, I still remember when I came across World of Warcraft for the first time. Talk about a whole new playing field!! This needed some thinking, some planning, strategy and tactics. It was a bit more involved with than Doom and Quake, yes, you needed strategy and tactics as well as know some handy secret areas, but, this was a whole new approach.You could choose from two races, one being human, the other was not. Each had their strengths and weaknesses, so each required a different approach. But the game play required a different way of thinking. I remember sending one of my men out to get wood so that buildings could be made, to build more farms, so that there was plenty of food to generate more of my population and grow my army. New buildings and barracks became available. I needed to build my army quick, but, strong and with greater powers.Problem was, this was OK on a single player basis, but, when playing against others, that was where the challenge really came into being. One of my colleagues had found some strategies whereby he very quickly had a full strength army, loads of gold, buildings, etc. How did he do it? It was a mystery to me, eventually, he did share a couple of strategies and there was once that I beat him. It would have been great to have a hints and tips guide back then. If only I knew then what I know now!!But, then the game developed further with boats and more flying things. And now it is online in a huge online world with millions of players. To think I found playing with 3 or 4 people, then at the computer club, increasing that to 6, then 10 and so on. It has flourished well. It is now a serious pastime for hundreds of thousands of people and is also a serious business.Are you a part of it, or looking into it? A newbie or a seasoned player?Well, why not visit this site for some helpful hints and tips as well as details on a very useful guide at and be sure to sign up for the FREE newsletter!

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Malcolm And Yvonne

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