Increase Your Gold in World of Warcraft

Article by Revu Moz

As a WoW player, have you ever wondered how some players always seem to have the best gears and how they never seem to run out of gold? Today’s biggest multiplayer online role playing game or MMORPG is undoubtedly the World of Warcraft (WoW). As the developers release expansion sets, the game’s level of difficulty increases as high level players continue to dominate and gold, a necessity in leveling, grows more and more elusive.

If you’re among the game’s 20 millions subscribers, you ought to know by now that not having enough gold means the inability to enjoy the game. This is why many submit instead to the dangers of buying illegal virtual WoW gold. Taking this illegal route would put you at an almost inescapable risk of having your account hacked and your character stripped off of wealth, gears and, worse, have it deleted. Impossible as it may sound, there’s actually a few ways you can learn to help you get all the gold you want without putting your account at risk or compromise your social life. This article will show you how.

Now, you’ve probably heard too of this thing in the game called gold cap. For purposes of clarification, however, let me expound on it a bit. This gold cap limits the amount of gold a player can store to 214,748 and then some (a few silvers and coppers). Despite the limit, having that much gold can pretty much gets your ranks up and ties you in with the best. It will also boost your confidence both in and outside of the game. For the necessity and the personal fulfillment, who doesn’t want to Hit Gold Cap?

Some of the more reliable and effective ways to reach that gold limit are provided for in Reaching WOW Gold Cap by WOW Schools and Gold Secrets by Luke Brown. If you refuse to give in to pay for these sources, there’s one method that’s common knowledge and that’s grinding. The problem is grinding is boring and tedious and before you’ve even accumulated about half as much gold as the limit, you’d have exhausted your love for the game and end up quitting. So is it really possible to hit the gold cap through legal means and without succumbing to tedious grinding? Is there a catch?

There are no legal breaches and every tip is legitimate in these guides. These can teach you how to utilize and make the most out of Auction Houses. You don’t even have to be a “highbie” to hit the gold cap. Believe it or not, you can actually hit the gold cap even you’re still at level 1.

The one catch perhaps with the methods in the guides is the seed money you have to come up with in order to start trading. But since the guides detail the easiest ways to get that seed money, the catch is more of a mild annoyance instead. So you’re now left with the crucial task of choosing the best WoW Gold guide. You can make the selection process easier by comparing different products and that’s done for you at the Product Reviews at With the right WoW Gold product, there really is no catch to this method. Unless of course if you find auctions and monitoring them boring. Either way you can always mix and match your methods. You can do the auctions while grinding mobs, doing quests, crafting items to sell, among others.

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