Power Leveling For World of Warcraft

Power leveling is defined as giving your username and password to someone else to level up their character for them. This is definitely not allowed by Blizzard, and is clearly stated in their Terms of Service and should you do it, your account will certainly be banned. Only this week, it has been reported by Portalit News, that a player has spent 7000 Euros on a “new” character,originally the character, a level 70 Night Elf Rogue, wielding the Twin Blades of Azzinoth, with four out of five pieces of the Tier 6 armour set, belonged to Zeuzo. He is from the Method Guild on the Sylvanas server, but the Night Elf Rogue now belongs to Shaks from the Kazzak server.

However, it looks as though this particular Night Elf Rogue has been off duty since September 3rd, so it certainly looks as if Blizzard has banned his account.What did the player expect? Blizzard will not tolerate character trading and if you feel tempted to try and cheat the system and take the easy option, beware.

You join World of Warcraft for pleasure, why not enjoy it. After all, shouldn’t your character be the result of your work, not someone else’s? Just at the end of last year,Blizzard banned 100,000 World of Warcraft game accounts linked to gold farming,gold buying and power leveling. In fact Blizzard bans virtually all power leveling accounts within three months.

It has been said in the past,that the only way to avoid detection was to buy an account, preferably from the USA. But although the home of the unfortunate account holder above is not known, it would seem that even this isn’t guaranteed.

Your best way of leveling your character, really does seem to be to do it yourself, which was the original purpose of world of Warcraft, and with a good Leveling Guide, like the one found on WoWEasyGold.Com, you won’t go far wrong.

Jane Holloway, writes articles about World of Warcraft , its players and their lives. WoW Easy Gold [https://www.woweasygold.com/?page_id=5]

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