Surviving World of Warcraft Cataclysm

Article by Cliff Levine

Surviving World of Warcraft Cataclysm – Computers

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Leveling and Gold Guides in Wow The Largest MMORGP has just released it’s latest expansion pack Cataclysm. The new expansion allows players to go back to the orginial world of warcraft and see the destruction that deathwing has left. levels 1-60 have also been changed with blizzards expansion reaching over 5000 new quests. Many of the new quest are for the Worgen and Goblin races, which are the two new classes. All players will experience something different this expansion because blizzard has tried to make the whole game in general take more skill and invlove allot more team work then Wrath of the Lich King. Leveling Up It is important to note that the talent system is changed where talent points are only given for every two levels that are changed starting from level 11. This only applies to players that have not yet reached level 80. Once they reach level 80, players can enjoy the raised level cap up to 85 where talent points are given for every additional level gained. This means that 41 points are distributable as soon as level 85 is attained so talent builders need to plan their builds wisely. Level is the same in mechnic’s but I would highly recommend finding the instances and doing the quest that you get at the start of the dungone, because these will give you allot of experiences. Make sure you try to complete quests all togeather so you don’t waste time, also make sure you breifly read all your quest first even if you have questhelper on, to save you getting angry about not being able to find a quest. Cataclysm offers plenty of new areas to explore which should be your approach when leveling from 80 to 85. Some of the places that are worth visiting include Deepholm, Uldum, and Vashj’ir(under water place). Try out some of the key quests in the game such as “Call of Duty”, “Sea Legs”, and “To the Depths”. Making Gold If you think you will have trouble with gold don’t worry because, in Cata there is about 5000g just from level to 85, and thats only if you just do enough to get you to 85. Going back to the basics, mining is one of the best ways to earn gold because you can sell them to many people. Try to obtain some of the new ores found only in Cataclysm like Obsidian which sells for about 5 to 10 gold for each piece it may also contain gems which are even more valuable. If your leveling then you will find elementium in deepholm and pyrite in Twilight highlands, which is 84 plus and also the quickest way to level to 85. if your prospec your ore then this will normally make you allot more cash then just selling it but you will have to find someone that can do this for you. If you have a very high Inscription level, you can also create Mysterious Fortune Cards and sell those as well. If you not interested in professions then quest once you hit 85 and doing dailies is a great way to make extra cash. Make sure you gear up and have plenty of gold of encahnts and gems because DeathWing must be Stopped… For additional help visit our site

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