The Basics of Making World Of Warcraft Gold

So many times I see people adding posts online that have no real idea how to easily make gold on World of Warcraft. It’s really a lot easier than most people think it is, and once you know, and start actually doing it, the money rolls in big time.

Of course there’s a ton of ways that you can make gold in the game. And there’s a few steps that I’m gonna share with you now that’ll improve your bank no matter what you’re going for.

First things first, you’ve probably already heard it a million times, if you want to make wow gold, the Auction House(AH) is your friend….so true. Unless you’re an enchanter, you should put every green item that you have in the AH. Vendors will never give you full price of what it’s worth. And if you’re just starting out….don’t be an enchanter, save that for a later character when you already have gold, its an expensive profession.

Chose two professions that will make you money. Skinning and Mining are the two bests for this. And they’re best to start at low lvls, and if you decide to drop one and pick up another profession you’ll be able to get your own materials for your new profession. For example if you chose skinning and mining in the beginning and later decide that you want to drop skining and start jewelcrafting, you’ll still be able to go out and get gold ore, and other mats easily.

Ok so you’ve got your two professions, and you’re ready to go. Dont worry about buying anything from the AH til about lvl 20 or, cause it really wont make too big of a difference. You’re better off investing your money in a few runecloth or mageweave bags so you can fill em up with more loot when you’re out lvling.

Dont “Grind” until you’re high enough lvl to make a difference…killin all the lvl 7s and pickin up 13 copper isn’t a good way to get rich. At low lvls just focus on lvling, selling your greens in the AH, and pickin up a few good bags. There’s some really good addons out there that can help you a LOT with the first two…I’ll cover them later.

It’s REALLY important to get yourself an Auction House Alt. A player who’s only job is to hang out at the mail box and get your mail, recipes, and send you all the gold he/she gets from puttin it in the Auction House. Just get a lvl 1 and run them up to the closest major city with an Auction, and park them at the mailbox. This is a really good way to not just have someone to put your things in the auction, and more bank space, but also if your bags and bank are both full, you can always send your alt EVERYTHING you dont need at the time, and have bag space enough to go run the instance one more time. After all, more importantly than makin the money is playin the game.

Ok now a great secret to makin a nice gold pile in your bank. Selling recipes, i can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to a vendor and picked up a recipe for 3silver and sold it for 78silver…it’s worth the investment, and keeping a few listed in the AH at all times. But the real money makers are First Aid Books, I buy them for about 50-98 silver and list them in the AH for 3g 64s…that’s a nice little chunk, especially when you’re selling 5-10 a day. How’d u like to open your mailbox and see 15-30 gold waiting on you everyday? I’ll tell ya, it’s awesome!

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