The Dreaded 1-80 Grind of World of Warcraft Simplified

Article by D. Blair

The Dreaded 1-80 Grind of World of Warcraft Simplified – Entertainment – Video Games

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There are many avenues you can take to level your brand new character in World of Warcraft. You can do standard quests, profession based quests, or even pvp your way to higher levels. Many players get tips from guild members and friends, but if you are like me, then you probably took the “lone wolf” route and carved out your own path. This usually involves solo or group grinding, and doing a large amount of research on ways to be as efficient as possible at leveling.

Of course, no method is ever truly perfect. My loner tendencies, while effective, may not have been the most efficient means of leveling quickly. There were probably many approaches that may have got me to level 80 in a fraction of the time. I’m the type of person that can tolerate learning from trial and error. However, many of my friends were not quite as dedicated when it came to dying over and over in an attempt to figure out a quest. Their vents in guild chat were my first tastes of “nerd rage” and oh was it sweet. Luckily, I knew of several somewhat helpful sites such as,, and one of my favorite databases, These all have similar information stored, so its really up to site preference. If you are an avid add-on user, I would recommend Quest Helper, when used in conjunction with the aforementioned websites, this add-on can prove to be a godsend. If all else fails, there are guides you can buy that basically lay everything out from start to finish in the most mathematically expedient way possible. Honestly, I have never felt the need to purchase one. However, I do know of many friends and guildies that have sung the praises of some of these guides.The most commonly and highly raved about guide is Zygor’s World of Warcraft Leveling Guide . He has not only a leveling guide but also guides for grinding dailies which can help level you and earn a nice amount of gold.

All in all, these tips should help you on your journey to prepare for Cataclysm. All of these have been tried and tested by me personally, and I saw decent results. Although I did not try out Zygor’s guide, from what I have been told, it is hands down the best thing money can buy for the task at hand. So get it, get out there, and start speed leveling!

About the Author

College Student, Gamer, as well as a White Stripes and Rolling Stones junkie……

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D. Blair

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