The World of Warcraft Guides on What to Farm at Low Levels

Starting out in World of Warcraft you won’t need much money or gold. But it is good to have ample amount of gold as your character grows to be able to afford better equipment to fight much better foes or join groups fighting special bosses. This World of Warcraft guide will show some pretty easy farming for beginners.

First you need bags if your intention is to level farm. The cheaper few slot bags cost pretty cheap but the larger ones that can carry more than 5 sometimes cost several gold to buy. So starting out buy one to two of the cheapest bags aside from the first bag you have which is free. Starting out farm items that can stack. Cloth (linen, wool, silk etc.) are probably the most commonly farmed items in WOW because these are used to level up First Aid Profession. First Aid Profession enables you to make bandages which most classes need to heal themselves. Other items like skins or animal meat that also stack can be sold to NPC’s at decent profit if you sell them as soon as your bags are filled.

Choose a profession early on. If you find a mining NPC. Try to get this profession and mine copper veins. Then melt these copper into bars and sell them in the auction house. Pretty decent money can be made selling copper bars. Another very profitable profession early on to have is Skinning. Skinning lets you skin mobs in return you an obtain hides, leather or scales. These items are also in demand in the auction house for leatherworking profession. Another profession good to learn early on is herbalism in which you can gather herbs used in alchemy. Low level areas are full of peacebloom plants which also sells for a decent profit in the auction house.

One thing to remember if you are gold farming in WOW is that you should not be too greedy or undercut as much when selling in the auction house. Selling items cost money so if you sell to high the items probably will not sell or if you sell low always then the market for that item will go down and it won’t be profitable anymore.

One thing you’ll need to do is moderate your farming, and your greed, if you farm to much at lower levels, it’ll take you a lot longer to level up. And honestly, it’s at level 80 where all the real gold is to be made.

If you would like to know a great way to Level your character in the world of warcraft you can check out the site WoW Questhelper or if you are in need of some in depth farming guides to help you with your tradeskills or gold supplies, we suggest you visit

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