• April 28, 2011
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World of Warcraft, Also Known As Wow

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Step one: Upon logging in to World of Warcraft for the first time, you will first have to choose a realm (also known as a server). Most new players start on the realm their friends are. There are four types of realms available.

PvP: Player versus player. On these realms, players of the opposite faction can attack you at will, no matter where you are in the game, or what level you are.

PvE (normal): Player versus environment. You cannot be attacked by the other faction unless you are flagged for PvP or are in a battleground.

RP: Role playing realm. These realms are often very strict. If you want to act in character while you play and interact with other players, this may be a great option for you.

RPPvP: Role playing Player versus player. These realms are a combination of a role playing realm and a player versus player realm. You should act in character, and you can attack and be attacked by the opposite faction.

Take care in choosing your realm as it could have a serious impact on your game play. However, choose a realm that fits your personality and how you want to play the game. You can have a total of 50 Characters on your World of Warcraft account, however, you can only have 10 characters per realm. You can have characters on as many different realms as you please, but no more than 50 characters in total.

Step two: Now that you have chosen your realm, you can create your character. There are many things to consider when making your character (refered to as your “toon” by most players). First thing to consider is your faction. In world of warcraft, there are two factions, Alliance and Horde. The alliance consists of Humans, dwarves, gnomes, night elves, and dranei. The Horde consists of Undead (the forsaken), Tauren, Troll, Orc, and Blood Elves. Be careful when choosing your faction as you will be unable to converse with the opposite faction. So if your friend is on the horde and you are on the alliance, you will not be able to speak to each other in the game.

Once you have chosen your faction, you have two options when creating your character. You can either choose your race first or your class first. Not every race can be every class. Therefore, if you really want to be a blood elf, you cannot, unfortunately become a warrior. And if you really want to be a Human, you cannot be a shaman. It is recommended that you choose your class before you pick your race. Pick a class that suits your needs and fits your personality.

Class                    Personality of player                                                          Major Aspects of play

Druid               people who crave change                               Healing, tanking, Spell/melee dps

Hunter             Those who hold back from direct conflict      Ranged DPS

Mage               The fearless                                                    Spell DPS

Paladin                        People who hate losing                                   Healing, tanking, melee DPS

Priest               Supporters                                                       Healing, Spell DPS

Rogue              Aggressive players                                          Strong Melee DPS, stealth

Shaman           All types                                                          Healing, Spell/melee DPS

Warlock           Those who like to win                                     damage over time abilities spell DPS

Warrior           Leaders                                                           Tank, melee DPS

Death Knights      watch ‘em die                                             Diseases, melee dps, tank


From there, you can pick your race and gender. The gender of your character is only personal preference and cosmetics. Many females make male characters and many males make female characters. Your race dictates where you start in the world, your racial abilities, and your class options. Racial abilities are not as important as the class you choose and what race you believe is the right fit and look for you.


Hi, My name is Kendra, I’m from Vancouver, BC. My interested involve reading, writing and taking care of my family. I enjoy writing articles and taking a walk through the park on a sunny day. I hope you enjoyed my article(s) and wish you the best of luck!


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