World of Warcraft – Buyers Guide For New Players

I won’t drag out this article explaining every little detail of each world of warcraft guide available, I’m just going to give you my opinion of the top guides that are available now. I made the mistake of buying a guide a long time ago, and it was NOT what I was looking for. After playing for 5 years, it has given me the chance to learn from my mistakes and share them with others now.

Ok, let’s get to it!

Dugi’s Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide:

The best World of Warcraft Guide that I have found so far is Dugi’s Guide. Great for Horde and Alliance players alike, Dugi has thrown together one of the most complete guides that I have ever seen. The leveling guide is an in-game mod that helps direct you to which quests to take, and which order to complete them in. All the while avoiding the long, obnoxious quests that consume far too much time and don’t compensate with enough experience. Not only can you get the leveling guide, you also get a solid profession guide. The professions guide covers all professions, grinding spots, and the ways to make gold fast using them. The best part about this is, you don’t have to pay any extra money for gold! You buy the guide once, then you can max out your professions on each character to really bring in the dough.

There is also a pvp guide detailing optimal talent specs, recommended gems and enchants, and even video tutorials! So if you would rather see how to pvp instead of read about it, it’s all there.

Best Gold Guide: Zygor Guides

Zygor’s horde and alliance guides have hands down, the quickest leveling path. Capable of getting players to level 80 in 7 days! Granted, this is if you play like a maniac, so for the casual player it will take a little longer. Although this is still crazy fast. The best thing about leveling fast, aside from the obvious, is the amount of gold you rake in while leveling. This one also has the in game leveling mod.

Best Horde Specific Leveling Guide: Joana’s 1-80 Horde Guide

HORDE ONLY! Cant stress that enough. If you only play alliance, this guide is practically useless for you. Everyone that plays WoW knows who Joana is. Crazy fast, leveling maniac. Joana shares their leveling tips in this one. Highly recommended for Horde players that just want to level to 80 fast.

Best Alliance Guide: Team Demise Alliance Leveling Guide

ALLIANCE ONLY! Again, cant stress that enough. Similar to Joana’s guide, but just for alliance. Also has an in game guide.

Cocoa Jenkins – Level 80 Frost/Arcane Mage
5 years of Warcraft Experience and Counting!
For some of the best warcraft guides and advice on the web, visit


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