World of Warcraft: Demonology Warlock PvP / Warlock Builds

Article by Thomas Kearo

World of Warcraft: Demonology Warlock PvP / Warlock Builds – Entertainment – Video Games

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Demonlogy Warlock enthusiasts rejoice! World of Warcraft PvP with a Demonology Warlock is now possible…plus it’s awesome!

Tier 1:

Demonic Embrace is nice, as it gives you 10% more Stamina. You might be thinking “Why do I need Stamina?”. Well, not only will it make you harder to kill, but it gives you more use out of Lifetap. Warlocks basically have the unique ability to use their Health as mana if they need to. Fel Synergy will heal your pet as you do damage. This is a great talent not just because it gives you a heal, but it’s efficient because you don’t have to take time to heal seperately. Improved Healthstone can save your life and often times win battles. that 20% more effectiveness can sometimes give you that extra life you’ll need during a fight, or you can lifetap that into mana!

Tier 2:

Fel Vitality increases your pets Stamina and Intellect by 15% and increases yours by a marginal amount. It’s key that your pet have enough life and mana to persist through some attacks. The last thing you want when you’re speccing Demonology is to have your pet die. This talent gives a bit more longevity.

Tier 3:

Improved Succubus is going to make your succubus better, and that’s going to be a great thing since you’ll only be using your Succubus and Felguard during PvP. Don’t waste time putting any talents into the Imp or Voidwalker. They’re useless in PvP. Soul Link takes some of the pressure off of you as your pet takes 20% of the damage dealt to you. This is another reason you’ll need Fel Vitality. Your pet is going to be taking some extra damage to keep you alive. Fel Domination makes your Pet Summoning spells a heck of a lot faster and more efficient. This gives you the ability to change pets at a moments notice!

Tier 4:

Unholy Power gives your pets 20% more damage. Max that out. Master Summoner decreases the cast time of your summon spells and reduces the mana cost. Get ready to change pets whenever you like. It’s going to be super fast!

Tier 5:

Mana Feed keeps a constant stream of mana coming in when you drain mana from an opponenet. This is especially important if you have a player seduced by the Succubus. If she runs out of mana, that player is no longer incapacitated. Mana Feed keeps a constant stream coming to your pet, so you don’t have to worry about resting between fights.

Tier 6:

Master Demonologist is another talent here that we should take, just because it does so much. Not only does it buff up just one of your pets, it’s going to give each of them their own set of specific circumstantial abiilties, which is something that just doesn’t get any better. Demonic Empowerment does the same thing but just a little bit differently in Tier 7, grab that one too.

Tier 7:

Demonic Empowerment is a must. Also, 3 points in Demonic Knowledge will boost your spell damage.

Tier 8:

Demonic Tactics increases your spell critical strike rating. You can NEVER ever get enough of this. If you ever see spell critical strike rating, take it. Decimation makes Soul Fire a little bit faster when your targets are below 35% health, essentially giving you a means to finish off your opponent more quickly.

Tier 9:

Improved Demonic Tactics gives 30% of your crit rating to your pet. Just another instance where you won’t want to pass up this crit rating ability. Summon Felguard is going to give you another pet. The Felguard is basically an all out Fury warrior at your side. You’ll see a significant increase in damage and burst DPS with the Felguard.

Tier 10:

Demonic Pact gives you more spellpower. Take all 5 points in this.

Tier 11:

Metamorphasis allows you to transform into a demon, giving you some very very good abilities, some increased armor class, etc.

This article has been brought to you By Thomas Kearo – a proud supporter of Team iDemise. Wanna level up faster thaneveryone else? Check out the Team iDemise Leveling Guide

About the Author

Demonology is a Different Beast Than Affliction or Destruction. Today, let’s look at the Demonology tree in World of Warcraft’s Warlock class. Demonology is all about controlling your summoned creatures and enhancing them, making them and you more efficient! Thomas also runs World of Warcraft Tips and Tricks

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Thomas Kearo

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