World of Warcraft Fast Leveling Guide

World of Warcraft fast leveling guides are plenty. One of the most common questions asked by World of Warcraft players is how to level their characters quickly. Part of the enjoyment and appeal of WoW is the questing and interacting in game, but sometimes you just want to get your 33rd level Pally/Rogue/Warlock to 60-70 level as quickly as possible. So how do you accomplish this? Do you use a fast leveling guide?

Well there are quite a few ways in World of Warcraft to fast leveling while playing and here are some ideas for you:

1. This is by far the simplest way to fast leveling: make a hunter, concentrate on beast mastery, do not pickup any skills and just quest like crazy. Why specialize in beast mastery? Because your pet will act like another tank for you and enable you to take on all comers and survive. The cons: you will be poor, have no skills and might find yourself bored along the way. Pros: you will level very fast.

2. Roll yourself a warlock and purchase a leveling guide. Install the coordinate’s mod and start questing as much as possible. Warlocks are one of the most capable and survivable classes in World of Warcraft. Specialize in Affliction talents and you should be able to fast level.

3. For enjoyment while fast leveling, roll a druid. This class is probably one of the most versatile classes because you get to cast spells, tank, heal and basically have fun. Because of this, the time will feel shorter and you will think you are leveling faster.

4. Roll up a rogue and concentrate on your killing talents. Rogues are great damage per second characters which played correctly can afford you lots of experience quickly when killing. You should be able to plow through enemies fast and in turn fast level.

5. Ok, here is a generic tip for all classes-do the quests. You gain experience both from killing the different monsters as well as completing the quests. Be sure to complete quests appropriate to your level. When you do this you maximize the experience you can gain. If you complete quests below your level, you won’t gain as much experience.

The last thing I would say is get yourself one of the top World of Warcraft fast leveling guides that have been written by some of the best World of Warcraft players. These fast leveling guides really will help you with World of Warcraft fast leveling because they have all the details regarding quests, which order to complete them in, what monsters to kill most, coordinates to the map locations and more. You will pay some cash for a good guide, but it will repay you many times over.

Oh yeah, my favorite way in World of Warcraft to fast leveling a character is by using a Hunter. I like to solo, so having a hunter and a pet allows me to quest easily and take on higher level monsters that I might have trouble with if I wasn’t a hunter. World of Warcraft fast leveling is definitely doable, you just have to have the right mix of strategies to accomplish it!

If you need additional tips and tricks, hints and help, then please visit []

You can find plenty of additional resources there to enhance your WOW experience.

Eric is a veteran player with years of WOW playing experience. He has several high level toons on WOW.

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