World Of Warcraft Fast Leveling Guide – Finishing Quests And Saving Time Taken

Article by Steven Allen

World Of Warcraft Fast Leveling Guide – Finishing Quests And Saving Time Taken – Entertainment – Video Games

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World of Warcraft is an enormous game and comes with thousands of quests to do as well as a very comprehensive storyline. Combined with the last two expansion packs and the upcoming Cataclysm expansion pack, it’s vastness is awe-inspiring. With twelve million unique subscribers, it’s also got an extremely solid fan-base and it’s growing all the time. However, for players new to the series, it may seem daunting. It can seem to take months, even years for a player to level up to level 80 (85 upon Cataclysm’s release). Not everyone wants to spend this long leveling up and would prefer an alternative solution. A fast leveling guide is designed for exactly that.

How It Works

It’s a well-known fact in the circles of World of Warcraft that the best means of leveling is by completely quests. They have the largest experience return over time. However, they are only effective and profitable when completed in a highly efficient order and without a guide, it can take a lot longer.

The time lost going back and forth between quests is phenomenal and it’s undoubtedly what results in people taking so long to level up. Over the course of your World of Warcraft experience, this wasted time will easily add up to days, even weeks of wasted time. For a game where you pay monthly, this can also be costly.

So, questing is the best for leveling and it’s clear you need a guide to do so efficiently. How do the guides help you? Guides know where all the quests are in the first place. So, for example, let’s say you go to collect Quest A. With a guide, you’d know that you could pick up another quest here called Quest C. Now you go to the next location, complete these quests and collect Quest B, which returns you to your previous location.

With a fast leveling guide, you would be informed that both Quest 1 and 3 were available from the start. So taking both of these quests to location B, you can hand them both in, collect Quest 2, return to location A and you’re done. This saves on time, provides experience in less time and allows you level up quicker.

About the Author

The greatest outdoors man uses a guide to save time. If you play WoW save time by using a fast leveling guide. Your friends will wonder how could you get that far ahead that fast.

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Steven Allen

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