World of WarCraft Featured on South Park – A Poke at Fun

I was stumbling and surfing through the television the other night. When I came across a television show that I hardly ever watch because I think it is obnoxious. It was called South Park. This night’s episode was a bit different. It was all about the World of WarCraft. The premise of the show sparked my interest. Before this time, I had heard nothing of the video game or did I know of it’s impact. I did not know that it was that big and far reaching. You can play this game online against other real people. You can create your own character and live in an alternate world, a virtual world.

In the show their is a man who has created his character and its not playing by the rules. He has created a character and has become very powerful. He is killing all the other characters in this virtual world. He is not playing fair. He is too powerful for anyone to destroy him. I learned that you can obtain different weapons and special powers as you grow in the game. It was a funny show. So what happens is one of the kids in Southpark’s Dad plays at work and his character is assassinated. The main office of World of Warcraft finds out about this guy and the big to-do’s try to figure out how to deal with this situation. They reveal that the programmer’s created a special weapon if something like this was to ever happen. A secret weapon. A sword it was and the creator never put it in the game, but he still had the code.

While this is happening the kids of Southpark band together and decide they are going to do something about this. They coudln’t defeat this guy alone. They needed to create character’s in the game which some already had. They were not powerful enough however. So Cartman, the leader of the kids comes up with a plan. They are to play The World of WarCraft non-stop for 3 weeks without a break. They each are to go into the forrest and kill these little defenseless creatures to gain more power. They are to do this for three weeks straight. Very funny. Well they do. They are all very tired, but Cartman will not let them stop. They characterize the man that cannot be defeated as an overweight computer nerd that all he does is play world of warcraft. Another funny point in the show. Eating Potato chips and stuff.

Well they finally become somewhat powerful enough to all go together to the land this guy is in and try and defeat him. So they go into the hornet’s nest. They surround him and engage in World of WarCraft Battle with this evil Character. And the battle begins. It’s 5 on one. One of the kids’ Character’s gets killed. Soon they are down just to one character. All of a sudden the World of Warcraft people give the secret weapon to one of the kid’s dads and he logs on the computer and goes to where the battle is and gives his son’s character the weapon in this virtual world and his son, just before his dad’s death uses the sword and defeats the bad character. A very happy ending, indeed. Now I’m curious about this so Called online gaming phenomena, The World of Warcraft!

For more information about the World of WarCraft you can visit these Websites, World of WarCraft [], World of WarCraft Guide [], and Internet Online Gaming Success Blog

By: Paul Austin Tourville

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