World of Warcraft Guide Reviews

I really hate the leveling aspect of World of Warcraft. I have a level 25 Rogue, by the way. However, my friend told me there are leveling guides out there that can make the levels just fly by. He said that he got his through a review site he found on the internet. I asked him what it was and how much the guides cost and he said the one he bought costed $ 35.00. He said he was uneasy about it at first because that’s quite a bit of money but now he’s glad he bought it because it was a great guide. I guess he regularly talks to the owner of the site on AIM, he said he got his IM screenname after he emailed him thanking him for reviewing the guides and that he was very happy with his guide. Let me quote you off of his site:

Source: Goldving’s WoW Guide Reviews []

“Oh, you’re expecting some letter right here promising the World of Warcraft to you right? Nah, I’m just a normal WoW player like you. And if you’re like me, you really enjoy playing World of Warcraft. I mean, millions of people do. But wouldn’t you enjoy it more if you could get to level 70 faster, with more gold than normal? I have three level 70’s, and I didn’t spend all the time in the world leveling. I have a job and other things to do, when I get on to play World of Warcraft I want to PvP and raid with my friends, not level and try to earn gold. I’m just like you, looking for a solution to minimize the time spent doing those tedious tasks so I can spend more time doing what I want to do in World of Warcraft. That is why I bought the guides below. I have both Horde and Alliance characters, so a leveling guide for both was a must, and a guide for World of Warcraft gold making, leveling, and general tips was also a plus. I decided to review the best guides I found and rate them so that people don’t waste their money elsewhere. After all, wouldn’t you rather have that money to put towards another month of World of Warcraft? 🙂 I know I would. And I’m not going to review 80 guides like some other sites. Just the best three so you don’t waste your time and money. Anyway, enough with this crap (it’s starting to sound like a sales pitch) and onto the reviews.”

I just thought I’d share the site with you guys because I proceeded buy a leveling guide because of this site and just like my friend I’m very happy with it.

The site is [] if you want to check it out.

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