World Of Warcraft Guides For Newbies And Players Of All Levels

Are you new to the \”World of Warcraft\” online community and wondering how to join the game now after its been out for all these years??

World of Warcraft has a huge following on the Internet and while some say it looks like a cartoon, it is a game that all age groups from children to teens to seniors play. Millions of people play World of Warcraft with more and more joining every day.  

 If you are new to the game and are unsure how to play, or how to get the gold you see others have, or you come across players who have the highest levels, tons of gold and other items do you ever wonder how they did it or how long it took them?   While a lot of players have been playing since day one, you may be surprised to find that some players have only been playing a month or so. People are joining every day. And how did they do it? How did they accumulate all this Gold or level up without playing 24/7?  

Guides. Guides from players who have been playing for years, playing since Day one and who know all the tricks. But which Guides? For that you have to search online. Well searching online you come across so many how do you know which are real, or which are just junk?  

 I started doing research and asking around and made a list of those recommended to me as the best. The ones consistently in the top recommended list of guides. The ones used by these players who have only been playing a short time (and a long time) but who found these guides helped them the most.  

 In the end, each guide had something different. Some the same, some different. So I decided to try and help others out there who are searching and to list the ones recommended the most in one place to make it easier for someone else to find what they need without all that searching, or being unsure where to go or where to look.  

While this is not a list of all the guides out there, it is the ones most recommended by players and that I found in searching online for reviews to always fall in the top list of guides.

K Jefferson loves to do research, play video games, family time and crafts.
To see the guides most recommended and most helpful stop by : The Ultimate War of Warcraft Guides

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