World of Warcraft Guilds – 5 No Nonsense Solutions to Healing an Ailing Guild

The state of your world of Warcraft Guild should be a major concern for all players involved, Officers and members alike. When you have a problem with the direction that your guild is going you need to come up with some ideas regarding what needs to be done. Our guild is presently going through a very trying time and I though I would share our solutions with you.

In this article I am going to outline some ideas that I see as solutions to when a guild is on the rocks. Many may not like the things that I am going to suggest, others will.

We are a casual guild that has been raiding of late but we suffer from lack of participation from many of our members. The lack of participation stems from many different things including real life issues and the game becoming stale.

If you want a guild to survive then here are a few solutions that may help.

1.) Leave it as it is

In this scenario the guild stays just as it is. This solution is usually the death blow to any guild that has become stagnant. If your World of Warcraft guild stagnates it will become simply a glorified chat room for some players and a stepping stone to a better guild for others.

A guild that has degenerated into a family or chat guild will remain for quite awhile. Take it from me I have been involved in many of them over the years and most of them are still part of the gaming universe that they were created in.

Leaving your guild as it is means that you as a player have to get used to the fact that raiding is going to be a hit or miss thing and unfortunately mostly miss. New players will come over time and others will leave. Some will be content with their life in the guild and will be there forever.

2.) Dig in and make a go of it

Choosing this option means that you may have to take a look at completely revamping the guild including its structure and the players you have in place as officers. Will everyone be happy? No. Will you lose players? Yes. That is the price that you going to have to pay if you want to dig in and make your guild the one that you want it to be.

There are those who are going to say you don’t need change and those are the players that are content with life as it is. It is time to take a look at what you as a whole want and then make it happen.

Your officers are going to have to be ready to commit to more raid time, and need to be at as many raids as possible. If they cannot do this then they need to be replaced by players who can. I know everyone has a real life and time is precious but it is something that must be done if you want to create an atmosphere where raiding is the norm.

You should take a survey to determine which days are the best for your guild to raid. If the majority can be online Friday, Saturday, and Sunday…then those are the raid days. Other nights you should be doing heroics for those interested. Those who are not interested in participating in some guild activity are honestly dead weight and need to be left behind.

If your guild is anything like ours everyone says that they want to raid and get the best items available. However, your guild like ours has to do more than just talk about it. Purples do not fall out of the sky or arrive in our mail box in brightly colored gift wrap. If you want it then you have to earn it. If earning it means devoting more real life time to the game then we each need to make a decision. The $ 64 question is are we willing to trade real life time for game time to get them? If you are not willing then step aside and let others lead who can do it.

3.) Move to another Guild

You could do this but I suggest that you do some real research first. You must be very careful when looking for a guild to join. Real raid guilds want players that can be dedicated and be at the raids. If your own performance is lacking in that area then why would you jump to a fully raid based guild? Chances are that when a raid guild learns that you cannot or will not make a certain percentage of their raids you will be asked to leave or not be accepted in the first place.

If you decide to choose another casual guild you need to be sure that they are actually raiding and that you can commit to their raid schedule. You do not want to jump ship only to find that the ship that you jumped to is named the Titanic.

4.) Server Move

This is another area that requires some thorough research. Perhaps you could discover the name of the newest server that fits your game style (PvE or PvP) and move there. Before you jump you need to find out what guilds are on the new server and decide if you can take a bite out of the player base and create a new guild there.

The key here is that you want a server with a fairly sparse guild population. Once you decide which server then you need to move as a group and start a new guild immediately and recruit hard. However this gets right back to our commitment and play time problem.

Why jump to a new server and start an exact replica of what you already have. If you are going to suffer in misery you might as well do it where you are.

4.) Guild Merger

Take a look at some of the smaller guilds on your server and see if they are looking toward raid content. Once you find a suitable guild you can either ask them to merge with you or merge with them. Personally I don’t like the idea of losing my guild’s identity but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Many guilds will want you to merge with them and perhaps rightly so. Your roster may say that you have 200+ members when in actuality you only have about 30 active members. The rest are alts from other guilds, alts of our own, or people who have not played in months. Should the guild that you have chosen have more active players and is going in the direction that you want to go, then merge with them.

When your guild is experiencing real problems these are the options that you have as I see them. Remember that you need to do something to ensure that you are satisfied with your gaming experience. If you are happy with most of your guild mates I suggest that you should do something as a group. Trickling off the main characters to other guilds until your guild is nothing but an alt, family, or chat guild is NOT my idea of doing something.

Lee Ruleman is a 10 year veteran of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) beginning with Ultima Online and continuing on through the present. It is Lee’s goal is to assist other players in attaining maximum level, the best equipment, large cash reserves, and advanced gaming knowledge, all in a 100% legal manner.

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