World of Warcraft Leveling Guides – Why the Fascination?

With over 11.5 Million players worldwide playing the game, the obvious question is why the fascination and what makes the game such an attraction for all the players and why more and more are people using World of Warcraft levelling guides.

First you have to understand the game itself very simply it is an online game costing around 20 dollars a month and you just go online and register and you can pay your fee either monthly or even annually or anywhere in between. 240 dollars a year for an online game I hear you crying and if your thinking that you obviously haven’t played the game before because for 66 cents a day its probably the best money you have ever spent.

The game is set on Azeroth a spaced up middle ages version of planet earth and has its very own styled forests, mountains, rivers, cities and dungeons. Azeroth is divided into 3 kingdoms, the first being the Eastern Kingdom which is populate by Gnomes, dwarfs and humans, the second being Kalimdor which is populated by Orcs, Trolls and Torens and the last Kingdom being Northrend where the wicked King rules.

Now you have to decide whether to play as an Alliance (weak and fast) or Horde (strong and slow) and you decide if you want to be a good or evil character. Now this is where the fun begins and you get to create your very own character and choose the clothing, armour and weapons and now you have done all this your get to the whole object of the game which is to discover new places and fight with opponents and monsters and get you character through every level up to level 80 each level itself has its own exciting adventures.

So why do people buy and use world of warcraft levelling guides well put very simply a good levelling guide will help you climb the levels faster than players who don’t have a levelling guide its that simple. World of Warcraft is a great game to play and if you haven’t played it before I can recommend it to anyone who wants to play a new game with or without World of Warcraft levelling guides.

So if you are seriously interested about World of Warcraft and what a WORLD OF WARCRAFT [] levelling guide can do to improve your performance why not visit the Duggie Dungeon Blog. Also why not check this WoW LEVELLING GUIDE [] out, well worth the click of a button.

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