World Of Warcraft Mage Guides

The gaming world of World of Warcraft (the vast area in which the game takes place) is split up into many different and interesting professions One such profession is a” Mage”. A Mage by definition is a small nimble character who is almost human but not quite there yet, and it is able to maneuver it self out of tricky and difficult situations. Though that is not all these” Mages” are capable of, there are many strengths and weakness to these characters, World of Warcraft Mage Guides helps you to understand and figure out these strengths and weaknesses.

If you are not familiar with the World of Warcraft or do not play the game, these World of Warcraft Mage Guides are far from easy to understand, but once you get used to the terminology used therein you begin to get the hang of it. Terminology such as Mana shield, Polymorph, Arcane intellect are scattered throughout the guides, well once you get passed that, the guides go through the main features and powers of your character. There are some features such as you the player being able to drink conjured water in order to refresh yourself if you wish to continue playing after taking damage, it also mentions powers like your frost bolt which is basically a bolt of frost which has a slowing effect allowing you cast another spell or physical attack on your unsuspecting opponent. This section of the World of Warcraft Mage Guides also covers your opponents level and the effects your magical and physical attacks make on him or her depending on that level.

This next section of the World of Warcraft Mage Guides focuses mainly on your magical weaknesses as a Mage. Although the powers of a Mage extend well beyond the mentions of the World of Warcraft Mage Guides, but like all characters they have their downfalls. To mention a few of these for instance: Mages hold enough power to destroy an entire party of enemies yet they have a deadly fear of something as simple as water, or if a Mage is surprised by a melee attack (hand to hand combat and physical attacks) your magical counter attack speed is decreased dramatically, both of which do not come in handy in the middle of an intense battle.

Moving on, the World of Warcraft Mage Guides mentions that Mages are not at their strongest in confined spaces like Dungeons and murky underground tunnels, and it is certainly possible to fight and make your way through these places but not without taking great physical damage or consuming much of your magical resources. A Mage is more at home in wide open spaces where it can avoid heavy attacks and use its speed to its advantage.

The guides also refer to Mages being either good or bad. A good Mage is always welcome around other mobs, and in most battles between good and bad Mage the bad Mages usually end up dead, because in this instance the good ones have an upper hand on magic and skill therefore they are the better of the two. In all honesty your basic role in this particular game is to make quick work of the opponents that lie before you, if you manage to hold your own against these enemies while in a group you will very seldom be attacked by them while venturing solo.

Speaking of groups the World of Warcraft Mage Guides also mentions a neat trick that the Mage kind are fully capable of doing at any time and any place, is if your mob is running low on members, u have the ability to” polymorph” any amount of your oncoming enemies, which basically means you can change them into members of your clan perfectly suited for your needs, which is very useful when nearing a huge battle.

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