World of Warcraft Pro Tips

I think its about time someone explained what the difference is between pro’s and noobs within World Of Warcraft.

The majority of playing in WoW seem to think they are “pro” simply because they are wearing such ans such gear. I agree obtaining some gear, like full valorous does require a little bit a skill, but not much… the real pro’s in WoW are the ones pimped out in full Deadly Gear, obtained via arena rating. Yes arena rating, not Vault of Archavon ( VoA ) or from emblems collect from PvE content.

Deadly Gear in my opinion should have rating requirement on it, not only for purchases but actually on the Item itself, there has been to many welfare epics in WoW and top-end arena gear shouldnt be one of them. Let the “noobs” have their epics, hateful gladiator gear and savage gladiator gear, but deadly gladiator gear should be for the “pros”.

Back to the difference between pros and noobs now; basically the difference is, is that one will be as i said before, decked out epics, and the other will be decked out in epics blues greens and so on.

The pro is the one in the epics, but only if it the items he/she is wearing contains the highest item level. For example, [Savage Gladiator Shoulders] has a much much lower item level than [Deadly Gladiator Shoulders] simple because its easier to obtain. All you have to do is run a few battlegrounds and you can buy them, but Deadly Shoulders are much harder to get. They require real skill.

Moving onto my next point; Skill is determined through several ways, one you could be a complete noob and keyboard turn, causing you to backpeddle and move around like a complete fool or you can use WASD to move, like the pros do, or at least people with a decent amount of skill.

Also clicking your spells is a big NO, only noobs do that, you really need to bind all the spells you use the most if you want to be better at WoW.

Reason being, that you will react slower when moving your mouse instead of moving your finger a few milimetres across the keyboard.

Also achievements, now there is two types of achievements, PvE and PvP, same as everything else really in World Of Warcraft but anyway, u can tell if someone is pro skilled if you take a look at how many duels they have won or what their arena achievements are.

Titles are another thing, just take a look at the title “Jenkins” – now anyone can achieve this title, pro or noob, but “The Flawless Victor” or “Arena Master” only decent skilled players can achieve these.

Well, that pretty much sums up noobs to pros, have fun owning dem noobs!

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