World of Warcraft – The Road to Level 85 for Beginers

Article by Forseti

World of Warcraft – The Road to Level 85 for Beginers – Entertainment – Video Games

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It was about 5 years ago when I started the 10 day free trial of World of Warcraft, or WoW for short. However, Back then, the level cap was level 70 instead of level 85.

If you are like me, and like role playing games, then you will be instantly hooked on this game. Instead of nothing but NPC’s (non-player characters) filling the streets of that city you stopped by to re-stock on rations, you will find other players doing the same thing you are. In fact, the entire game will be filled with thousands of other players from all over the world you can interact with. You can join up with 4 other players and go conquer dungeons. Later, once you reach the level cap of 85, you can go on to conquer other dungeons but with 10 or even 25 players all in the same party, raiding that stronghold for treasures. You can find great examples on Youtube. Just search for “wow 25 man raid”.

All that sounds great, but actually getting to level 85 and being able to do all of that is a long road ahead. Thinking back 5 years ago, I can remember how hard it was and how time consuming it was. Not to mention, standing there, looking clueless while level 70 after level 70 went by me. I couldn’t help but ask myself “Will I ever get to level 70?” It took me months to finally reach level 70. That was before I learned how to level up. I was just running around, killing anything that moved and grinding my way to level 70. Trust me, that’s not how you want to go about it.

Before I knew it, one year went by, and it was time to make a new character. I sat there thinking “Man, I don’t want to spend another 3 months trying to level up a new character”. That’s when I did a little researching and found some leveling guide online. I was sceptical, but I went ahead and bought it anyway. Let me tell you, I was amazed. I went from grinding for 3-4 months to level up, to just a little over a week to just a few days.

If you are one of those people who don’t like the grind and waiting, then check out this guide. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

It’s called Booster(click here). It’s not just a manual you can thumb through, it’s actually a guide you can install directly into the game that will help you step by step of the way.

It includes:

Complete in-game 1-85 wow leveling guide for Alliance and Horde.Booster technology finds the fastest quests for you and gives you step by stepdirections to complete them in the most time efficient order possible. So you are never confused what to do nextTons of features such as Talent Helper, Glyph Helper, Wowhead Comments,Expert Tips & Tricks, all combine to help you play your character to its maximumpotential.Navigation System: Waypoint Arrows, Ant Trails, and Dots on your Map blast youfrom quest to quest with amazing speed. Never get lost or confused about where to go.Buy the guide, go forth and conquer, and most of all, have fun. Thanks for taking the time to read my first article.
About the Author

Avid gamer for 23 years.

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