• March 16, 2012
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World Of Warcraft Twinks

Article by Steve Phipps

World Of Warcraft twinks are toons that have the best of everything for a low level toon. Generally World Of Warcraft twinks are financed by a high level main toon who makes sure they have the best equipment and enchants possible.

Most people make World Of Warcraft twinks in order to dominate in WoW Battlegrounds so they level as fast as possible to level 19 and then spend time in Warsong Gulch building up marks and honor then start leveling quickly again. They repeat this and stop at the top level of each BG group and spend more time in the battlegrounds.

If you do not have a high level main toon you can still make World Of Warcraft twinks relatively easy.

Using a good WoW leveling program (see link below) you can rapidly level your toon and save all your money until level 19 when you can afford to twink out your toon for the battlegrounds.

One thing I recommend when using a rapid questing program to make World Of Warcraft twinks is to create another level 1 toon and place it in a major town with an Auction House. Simply mail everything you pick up to that level 1 alt toon. Even vendor trash should be mailed. Pick up every single thing you can loot and mail it to that alt.

At the end of each session when you are done leveling your World Of Warcraft twinks you can log on to your level 1 alt and sell or auction house everything in the mail. This is your seed money for your twink.

I also recommend making two World Of Warcraft twinks at the same time. This will allow you to alternate toons and get more bonus experience from being logged out of each. It will also double up your vendor trash and auction house sales.

Building World Of Warcraft twinks is one of the more fun ways to play the game and using a good leveling and questing program like the ones reviewed in the link below will have your twink ready for the battlegrounds and to level 70 as quick as you could possibly imagine.

Want to get the best information about leveling World Of Warcraft twinks in the fastest time possible?

Visit: https://www.wowquesthelperreviews.com

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