• April 28, 2011
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World of Warcraft, What You Didn’t Know

You must also keep in mind that there are actually three games to buy in order to get the best game experience.

-World of Warcraft (first one- you must buy this one to play the other two)

-Burning Crusade (allows you to travel to a completley different world and to try out new aspects of the game)

-Linch King (travel to a new continent and finally defeat the Linch King)

Aside from buying the game(s) you must also pay a monthly subscription fee of around .00 a month. While this may seem outrageous at first you must remember the world of warcraft is forever evolving and changing. They need the fee to keep WOW up to date, able to give you new ideas, and keep you playing. There are pleanty of promotions and contests that may also give you free gameplay.


After downloading the game you will be asked to choose a realm. Realms are different servers which will determine who you play with. The game is world wide with a massive amount of gameplayers. Each realm will tell you how many people are on it from low to high. You also will have to choose between PVE(player verses enviroment) and PVP(player verses player). PVP means opposing players can attack you whenever they feel like it whereas PVE will only allow you to attack computer enemies. If you want to play with a friend you must make sure you are on the same realm or you will never see them.


Now you must choose a fraction. There are two fractions in WOW. The Horde and the Alliance. Experienced players are usually devoted to one side, but starting off you will just have to play around or look up the fractions online. The Horde tends to be a little more darker whereas the Alliance is a lighter group. No one is considered to be bad or good. It is up to you to decide which one is better.


The race will determine which fraction you have chosen. Each fraction has different races. Each race has it’s own attributes which you gain as soon as you choose it. When choosing a race you must keep in mind which class you want to be because putting the two together could make you that much better. Online sources will be able to allow you to figure out which class fits with which race. Just remember it’s not all about looks.


The class is one of the most important choices you will make during your entire gameplay. Classes are the same for both fractions, but not every race can be every class. The class will determine how you fight, what you wear, and what spells you may use. It will determine if your a DPS(damage per seond- or assisting in killing), healer, or a tank(the main guy who takes all the damage and sends the most damage out. Some classes you can be any three such as the paladin whereas some you will most likley be one(mage or warlock).


After you choose what you want your toon (your character) to look like you may now choose your name. The name can not be used anywhere else in the realm and it can not have numbers or symbols. Also it has to be WOW friendly thus no swear words or anything like that. Be creative and play around.

Starter Zones

You will be placed into your starting zone depending on your race. The starting zone allows you to move around freely so you can learn how to use your controls and get to know how the game works. There will be monsters but they will not be able to attack you until you attack them. Quests will be given out with rewards. It is important to do these quests to get better armor, money, and experience. After you complete a quest return to the quest giver who will now have a yellow question mark over their head. When choosing your reward choose something that makes sense to your toon. If your a mage chose the cloth bracer over the plate armor since mages can only wear cloth. If the item is in red it means you can’t use it. With any luck you will also find other players to play with and level up with.

Other Players

If you find another player and wish to talk to them you can click on their toon and start typing in the type box. There are different channels for this box. When you enter a city you can talk to everyone in any same fraction city. This is called the Trade Chat Channel. You can whisper to someone where they can only hear you. There are many different chat channels which you can learn more about online or in your guide book.

Someone may also ask you to be in their guild. Guilds are very important for the ultimate game experience. Don’t worry if you don’t like your guild you can leave, or even start your own.

If you need some help, heres a great guide that helped me find secret ways and techniques to get gold. Click Here!

Hi, My name is Kendra, I’m from Vancouver, BC. My interested involve reading, writing and taking care of my family. I enjoy writing articles and taking a walk through the park on a sunny day. I hope you enjoyed my article(s) and wish you the best of luck!


Article from articlesbase.com

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