World of Warcraft – Zygor Guides Smart Injection System

Article by adam waltter

World of Warcraft – Zygor Guides Smart Injection System – Shopping

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Zygor guides has long been at the forefront of the wave of leveling guides for World of Warcraft. Players who have bought their guides have been privy to a wide array of new features, including their earliest in-game leveling add-ons and their fast track arrow pointing system. Now, they’ve updated their system yet again with the Smart Injection system which will automatically adjust the leveling guide to wherever the player happens to be in the game, using the new UI functions added to the game in the 3.3 patch.

How Does it Work?

The Smart Injection System from Zygor Guides works by skipping past any quest you’ve already loaded. After you load up the racial guide for your faction, the guide will start skipping all the quests you don’t need or have already completed.

It will occasionally stop on flight paths that you may not have, so you it is possible you’ll need to go back and check in with those flight paths, but beyond that, it will not stop until it reaches a quest that directly affects where you’re currently at.

For example, if you’re level 49 and it stops at a level 43 quest, it means that the quest has not been completed and likely is related to a quest chain you haven’t gotten to yet.

The Value Here

The value of the smart injection system should be self evident, speeding up the leveling process many times over. In the past, many players had to figure out where they were on their own and find it in the Zygor’s Guide add-on, especially if they had already started leveling a character before buying the guide. Now, it works far faster and more efficiently, creating one of the finer in-game add-ons on the market.

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adam waltter

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