Depending on what you want to do in Shadowlands, there are a few things you need to know. There are Normal raids, mythic dungeons, and other places that you can go. These places will help you gain experience, and help you level up.
Leveling up
Unlike the first two expansions, leveling up in Shadowlands is a lot easier. Instead of spending weeks grinding up your levels, you can complete your quests in just a few hours.
A quick and easy way to level up is to take advantage of optional starter zones. They are located all over the map and can give you a few hundred experience points, depending on the location. You should also look into buying some new gear from the auction house, if you are having trouble finding the right mobs to kill.
If you are looking for a little more excitement, you can hire experts to help you level up. They can perform all the activities for you and give you exciting rewards in the process.
One of the most impressive changes in the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is the new level cap. It is now up to 60, up from the previous max of 120. This means that you will be able to enjoy more content in the future and will have more choices than you did in the past.
Mythic dungeons
Designed to be challenging and fun, Mythic dungeons are a new content mode in the game. These dungeons feature new rewards and skills. These dungeons are also designed to be played online in cooperative style with up to ten players. The dungeons reward you with high item level gear.
Mythic dungeons are challenging because they place greater emphasis on the player’s ability to quickly and efficiently execute the skills required to complete the dungeon. Rather than the traditional leveling system of completing a dungeon to level 10, Mythic dungeons reward you with the higher-level Keystone after you have finished the dungeon.
Mythic dungeons offer players the opportunity to test their mettle in the dungeon with the use of a timer. The dungeon will begin with a 10-second countdown. In order to complete the dungeon in the allotted time, the party must defeat all the bosses and retrieve the loot.
Normal raid
Currently, there are three types of raids in WoW. They are: Legion, Denathrius, and Warlords of Draenor. These raids are customizable and offer varying levels of difficulty and loot. The Shadowlands expansion will include two new raids. These are Fated Raids.
Each Fated raid will have a specific number of bosses. They will also be scaled to your current level of power. In addition, they will have new affixes. Each week, a new affix will be applied to each raid. These can make strategies difficult, or impossible. The new affixes will also work with items purchased through the broker vendors.
The Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid on normal difficulty is an epic finale to The Shadowlands story. It is a quest to save the land from the forces of darkness. The raid features ten bosses and rewards strong gear.
Winds of Wisdom buff
During the tail end of the expansion cycle, the “Winds of Wisdom” experience buff was introduced. The buff provided a 50% boost to experience gains for players in levels 10 through 59. In addition, the buff also boosted experience from every source, including quests, dungeons, and bosses.
However, the buff will soon be history, as World of Warcraft prepares to release the pre-expansion patch. This will replace the current Shadowlands content, and introduce new content, including the upcoming Vault of the Incarnates raid.
Winds of Wisdom will remain active until the pre-patch is released, at which point it will disappear. The buff isn’t available on WoW Classic servers, but it does carry over to the Shadowlands. This is a good opportunity to try out a new class or max level your alts.
Servant of N’Zoth
Upon completion of the Servant of N’Zoth, players will receive the title of Servant of N’Zoth, a special toy, and Feats of Strength. However, if the player dies while completing the quest, the quest will fail. The character will also have to slay 10 members of their own faction, as well as 10 members of the opposite faction.
The quest is available on both Horde and Alliance. The Alliance side requires killing 10 players of the opposing faction, while the Horde requires killing 10 members of their own faction.
While completing the quest, players can gain a special toy called N’lyeth, Sliver of N’Zoth. This toy allows the player to slay their own faction in War Mode. This toy will transform the player into a Servant of N’Zoth for one hour, and it is possible to slay both the opposing faction and the own faction.